The ordered double perovskite Sr2CuWO6 is a quasi-two dimensional J1/J2 frustrated square lattice model antiferromagnet. The divalent Cu carries S = 1/2 while the W (VI) is 4d0. Below 900 K the CuO6 octahedra are Jahn-Teller distorted leading to a tetragonal unit cell with magnetic exchange mainly in the ab plane via the singly-occupied d_(x2-y2) orbital. The magnetic susceptibility and neutron diffraction confirm the absence of a long-range ordered state down to 2 K, while the exchange interactions are of the order of -100 K and the magnetic susceptibility exhibits a broad maximum around 80 K. We have synthesised high-quality sample of this well-studied material and propose to use MUSR to study the local spin dynamics in this material down to 2 K to check whether it has a quantum spin liquid or the more common spin-glass ground state.