Replication Data for: Ordering Behavior and the Impact of Allocation Mechanisms in an Integrated Distribution System


Data from experiments regarding ordering behavior under different allocation mechanisms. The data files are non-accessible, as the data was collected with the permission of the subjects to be used for this study only. The files 'Data Report.pdf' and 'Metadata and data collection.pdf' are openly available.

Method: Generated through use of experimental software z-Tree. Universe: Student sample from subject pool of VU Amsterdam FEWEB and TiSEM Tilburg University. Note on file formats: The XLS files are also provided in the 'preferred format' CSV. Preferred formats are file formats of which TiU and DANS are confident that they will offer the best long-term guarantees in terms of usability, accessibility and sustainability.

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator Spiliotopoulou, Eirini ORCID logo; Donohue, Karen; Gürbüz, Mustafa Çagri
Publisher DataverseNL
Contributor Spiliotopoulou, Eirini; DataverseNL
Publication Year 2022
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess
OpenAccess false
Contact Spiliotopoulou, Eirini (Tilburg University)
Resource Type Experimental data; Dataset
Format application/x-stata-syntax; application/pdf; application/x-stata-14; text/plain; text/csv; application/
Size 3432; 85090; 81022; 49399; 296213; 70946; 2449; 84459; 218624; 91118; 85196; 94004; 87826; 49621; 46788; 73234; 49658; 46809; 72008; 69164; 72671; 69227; 72702; 69246; 72059; 68578; 71158; 67815; 70751; 67416
Version 1.0
Discipline Business and Management; Economics; Social and Behavioural Sciences