Interactive visualisation of fortification


This visualization shows how Early Modern science attempted to tackle real-life problems with applied mathematics. Starting from the fortification principles set out in Simon Stevin's Sterctenbouwing (1594), it summarizes the key factors that eventually dictated highly specialized fortification designs. Finally, the compromise between military and civic functions in the design of fortified cities is visualized by means of 3D renderings.

The visualisations have been created within the project Dynamic Drawings in Enhanced Publications, a collaboration between Brill, HuygensING, DANS and WildCard.

This dataset is an archival copy of the visualization published on the Dynamic Drawings project website:

[Note: a screencast of the visualisation will be added shortly]

Metadata Access
Creator D. Nagel; T. Cocquyt
Publisher DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities
Contributor ML Hoogerwerf; Brill
Publication Year 2013
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact ML Hoogerwerf (DANS)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/octet-stream; application/matlab-mat; application/x-tgif; image/jpeg; application/x-msdownload; application/x-msaccess; text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; text/plain; application/zip; video/mp4; text/html; image/png; image/vnd.adobe.photoshop
Size 4268; 4304; 4296; 4308; 4320; 10631; 113194; 113869; 1725232; 237663; 38026; 17877; 17327; 4276; 56562; 13664; 10233; 4280; 4284; 50679; 71858; 51306; 567495; 9732; 8829; 19533; 4216; 95; 536; 90; 9362; 1632; 4272; 12700; 6545; 10231; 1725; 157929; 708; 4256; 1173806; 363418; 9746; 6463; 253600; 53208; 23128; 6448; 181965; 7429; 56440; 4636; 2977; 9728; 2636; 10833; 42991; 13814; 32441; 10990; 10962; 77485; 11486; 88072; 6; 20168; 47104; 1921; 2911; 963; 4124; 10021; 4288; 181386; 9779; 8868; 1160825; 13383; 710; 32313; 242; 178; 43792; 4220; 10609; 13147; 706; 12947; 11908; 11279; 0; 4116; 13373; 5117; 13594; 6165; 10; 440907; 638314; 4596; 11553; 1195856; 10998; 13832; 1410995; 114136; 9708; 18105; 179436; 181369; 4136; 4168; 4420; 4108; 4188; 9734; 567435; 5919; 10001; 23245; 143515; 1439; 148663; 17465386; 1435; 1688311; 558; 8560; 105660; 4224; 1839; 5396; 4980; 15397; 16604; 4228; 16056; 15629; 586174; 707; 41240; 4212; 3089; 4100; 9196; 4112; 372; 150564; 1906; 827698; 586427; 423; 1444; 7048; 2569; 15340; 15880; 4568; 125833; 1710; 949126; 57584; 1316; 10460; 717; 54275; 5172; 5496; 435003; 1709; 4232; 4292; 11878; 4176
Version 1.1
Discipline Humanities