The data was recorded from primary school children visiting a VR simulation. It contains questionnaire data on knowledge (about space), and the overview effect. It also contains drawings as a measure of awe, and ratings for awe for these drawings.
As part of an educational program, children went into a VR rocket visiting their school. Questionnaire and drawing data were collected by the researcher on the same day (pre- and post-test). Drawing rating data was collected as an online study after drawing data was processed.
The population that was tested were primary school children from an international school in the Netherlands, with a mean age of 11. Raters were 120 students at Tilburg.
The .xlsx files are also available in the sustainable file format .csv. The xlsx file 'ChildrenDrawings_ChildrenQuestionnaires' contains the same information as the .csv files 'ChildrenDrawings_ChildrenQuestionnaires_data' and 'ChildrenDrawings_ChildrenQuestionnaires_summary'. The xlsx file 'Codebook' contains the same information as the csv files 'Codebook_ChildrenQuestionnaires' and 'Codebook_RaterData'.