This dataset provides a selection of commonly used climate indices and phenological reconstructions based on gridded high-resolution (1x1 km) daily mean temperature and daily precipitation sums for the period from 1763 to 2020 for Switzerland. The original dataset, on which the indices are based, is in detail described in Imfeld et al. (2023). The detailed calculation of the climate indices and the phenological reconstructions are described in Imfeld et al. (in review). The indices allow for studying historical weather and climate events across several centuries, also considering phenology as a bio-indicator. Note the data quality issues described in Imfeld et al. (2023) in particular when working with the early time period before 1864.
Indices Swiss reconstruction 1763 to 2020 All indices are calculated using the Swiss reconstructions for 1763 to 1960 and the MeteoSwiss data set for 1961 to 2020. See the following references for the data sets: data provider name reference UniBe CH_temp_EnKF UniBe CH_precip_QMAP MeteoSwiss TabsD MeteoSwiss RhiresD