PISA 2018 in Switzerland: Ticino Sample


The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) evaluates 15-year-olds’ ability to use their reading, mathematics and science knowledge and skills. Since 2000, Switzerland participated in every PISA cycle conducted by the OECD. At the end of every cycle, the Swiss PISA data of the national 15-year-old sample has been made available in the international data sets published on the OECD website. Before 2015, in addition to the sample of the 15-year-olds, an additional and larger sample of 9th grade students was drawn and tested in Switzerland. The resulting Swiss data for the 9th grade students, that allowed comparisons selected cantons, was published in full on FORSbase. Since 2015, solely the national PISA sample from the population of 15-year-olds is tested, that allows comparisons between three Swiss language regions, but not anymore between selected cantons. Thus, starting with PISA 2015 the Swiss PISA data are almost completely available in the international data sets published on the OECD website. However, the present dataset complements the international PISA 2018 dataset with some for the Swiss context relevant additional information as well with some national options from PISA 2018.

DOI https://doi.org/10.23662/FORS-DS-1306-2
Metadata Access https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/oai-pmh/v0/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_ddi25&identifier=6cd075d6d019dc8b51307cc9ab8810d6a6b50ab1e3747fdc22447e70b7b9ec52
Creator Erzinger, Andrea Barbara
Publisher FORS
Publication Year 2021
Rights Zusätzliche Einschränkungen: Keine; Additional Restrictions: None; Restrictions supplémentaires: Aucune; Sondergenehmigung: Nach vorheriger Zustimmung des Autors; Special permission: With prior agreement of author; Permission spéciale: Accord préalable de l'auteur·trice
OpenAccess true
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage Westeuropa; Western Europe; Europe occidentale; Europa; Europe; Europe; Schweiz; Switzerland; Suisse