The dataset compiles water current velocities and direction measured by a platform-based upward looking Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler. Data was acquired in August 2018 during the Yukon Coast 2018 expedition to the Herschel Island – Qikiqtaruk coastal observatory, conducted by the Alfred Wegener Institute in Potsdam, Germany. Goal of this project was to find drivers that control nearshore currents and to map their spatio-temporal variation. These currents might play an important role in the transport process of sediments and organic matter in the nearshore zone of the Arctic Ocean. The sediments mainly originate from the rapidly eroding permafrost coasts. The columns of this data file include Date/Time, height above the seafloor of the respective measurement cell (bin), current velocity in east-west direction and current velocity in north-south direction.
Data description:Setting: 4 Beam in 20 degree Janus configurationDeployment location: Latitude 69.465833 N / Longitude 139.030555 WDepth: ca. 7 meter - (varying with sea level)Number of cells (bins): 14Bin size: 0.50 meter First bin: 1.60 meter Measurements per hour: 60Pings per Ensemble: 50 Time/Ping: 1.20 sData is given in "oceanographic convention" (i.e. the direction the current is directed to)Pre- and post-processing steps:Step 1 - Calibration of the instrument by following the calibration setup in the software (RD Instrument WinSC)Step 2 – Definition of planned deployment schedule and parameterization of the device (RD Instrument WinSc + RD Instrument PlanADCP)Step 3 - Deployment of the ADCP with a ZODIAC at the study site using a bottom mooring mounted on a stainless steel plateStep 4 - Retrieval of the instrument after 14 daysStep 5 - Download of the collected dataStep 6 - Opening of the data files with RDI VelocityStep 7 – Adjustment of the raw data for the following parameters using RDI Velocity software and the corresponding "Velocity Users Guide":a) Magnetic declination (accessed from; Magnetic declination = 20.16 degreeb) Salinity (average value derived from 2 point measurements through the water column with data ~0.3 meter) analysed from water column profiles retrieved with a handheld CastAway CTD; Salinity = 20.45 ppt (parts per thousand)c) Speed of sound velocities were recalculated using temperature, salinity and depthd) Surface boundary: Contaminated upper bins were removed (blank) using the "Range to boundary - Intensity" function of Velocity, to remove measurements that were affected by turbulent air bubbles from wave action.Step 8 - Exporting the processed files to Matlab using the Velocity Export function; Data right after lowering the mooring system and after retrieving was removedStep 9 – Writing of txt-file in Matlab (tab delimiter, ISO 8601 date format, UTF-8, missing or removed data is left empty)