Inventory of hazardous substance concentrations in different environmental compartments in the Danube river basin


The data set contains an SQL-dump of a PostgreSQL data base. This data base contains concentrations of hazardous substances and other water quality parameters in different environmental compartments:

river water (water and suspended sediments) ground water waste water (treated and untreated) and sewage sludge storm water runoff from combined and separate sewer systems atmospheric deposition soil Data from many different data sources were collected, cheked and combined and meta data were harmonized to allow for a combined data evaluation. The SQL-file was exported from a PostgreSQL 15.2 data base and compressed using 7zip into a zip-file ( Text-encoding is UTF-8. A short documentation (documentation_inventory_db_V2.0.pdf) and a listof known issues with the data which could not be resolved before publication  (List_of_known_issues_V2.0.pdf)  are enclosed as PDF files. This Version 2.0.0 of the database contains more data as for further data sets a publication agreement was reached and some data were reimported to resolve some errors created during data preparation for import. The database structure was extended and corrected at different points, leading to an improved data model.

Related Identifier IsNewVersionOf
Related Identifier IsSupplementTo
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Metadata Access
Creator Kittlaus, Steffen ORCID logo; Clement, Adrienne ORCID logo; Kardos, Máté Krisztián ORCID logo; Dudás, Katalin Mária; Weber, Nikolaus ORCID logo; Zoboli, Ottavia ORCID logo; Zessner, Matthias ORCID logo
Publisher TU Wien
Contributor Kovacs, Adam; Moldovan, Constanta; Kocman, David; Kirchner, Michal; Šuković, Danijela; Petkova, Silviya; Tonev, Radoslav; Long, Arabel; Jolankai, Zsolt; Mihalkov, Dimitar; Broer, Marianne Bertine; Gabriel, Oliver; Milačič, Radmila; Hamchevici, Carmen; Kulcsar, Sandra; Marković, Katarina; Major, Zoran; Höbart, Alexander; Milivojević, Tijana; Dimova, Galina; Zivkovic, Vladimir; Tuchiu, Elena; Marchidan, Elvira; Boscornea, Corina; Luta, Daniel; Ciocan, Gabriela; Curelea-Marin, Ramona; Soare, Florentina; Mainerici, Monica; Sidau, Mugurel; Kučić Grgić, Dajana; Cvetnić, Matija; Sengl, Manfred; Stipaničev, Draženka
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference European Union 019w4f821 ROR DTP3-299-2.1 Danube Transnational Programme: Project Danube Hazard m³c - Tackling hazardous substances pollution in the Danube River Basin by Measuring, Modelling-based Management and Capacity building
Rights The data base structure is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 license;
OpenAccess true
Contact tudata(at)
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Version 2.0.0
Discipline Other