This data set contains the data to reproduce the figures presented in Kostelecky et al., Local Thermal Non-Equilibrium Models in Porous Media: A Comparative Study of Conduction effects, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. \TODO: add doi after acceptance.
1. Final figures
The final figures of the paper can be found in plots_final.tar.xz. It can be extracted e.g in a terminal on Linux via
tar -xf plots_final.tar.xz
- Generating plot
To generate the plots using the simulation data, download postprocessing_Kostelecky2025a.tar.xz and extract it, e.g. on Linux via
tar -xf postprocessing_Kostelecky2025a.tar.xz
2.1 Structure of folder
The structure of the folder is then as follows:
bin: helper scripts for creating a virtual environment ( and a master bash script ( to generate all plots automatically.
02_postprocessing: here, the post-processing is happening via different python scripts. The script is calling all other python files for preparing the data (, and and for plotting the prepared data (python scripts are named by
The folder is structured in the subfolders:
00_rawData: here all the simulation data from the different models are stored
01_processedData: when the script is called, the simulation data in 00_rawData will be prepared for plotting. Hence, consistent file names and structures are applied as well as mean values are calculated for the dual network model. The prepared data is then stored within this folder.
02_plots: all generated plots will be saved here.
2.2 Run the scripts for generating figures
Generate the plots by executing the script
This opens a virtual python environment, installs the necessary requirements and calls the python script 02_postprocessing/, which runs all scripts for preparing and generating the plots automatically. Plots are saved in 02_postprocessing/02_plots.