Replication Data for: Data-Parallel Radial-Basis Function Interpolation in preCICE


This dataset contains setup and result files for the performance measurements presented in Schneider et al. "Data-Parallel Radial-Basis Function Interpolation in preCICE". Furthermore, it contains the used snapshot of preCICE, ASTE, and Gingko. See the README for information on how to build and run the cases.

We acknowledge the support by the Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science (SimTech).

Metadata Access
Creator Schrader, Timo Pierre ORCID logo; Schneider, David ORCID logo; Uekermann, Benjamin ORCID logo
Publisher DaRUS
Contributor Schneider, David; Uekermann, Benjamin
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference DFG 515015468 ; DFG EXC 2075 - 390740016
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact Schneider, David (Universität Stuttgart); Uekermann, Benjamin (Universität Stuttgart)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/x-xz; application/gzip; application/x-7z-compressed; text/markdown
Size 31184176; 17868; 3017740; 291289277; 1423684; 4948
Version 1.0
Discipline Construction Engineering and Architecture; Engineering; Engineering Sciences