Simulation and measurement data used in the dissertation manuscript by Alexander Bilmes(1) "Resolving locations of defects in superconducting transmon qubits" (defense on 8Feb2019, Referent Prof. A.V. Ustinov, Koreferent: Prof. A. Shnirman ), published via KITopen in Aug2018.
(1) Physikalisches Institut, KIT, Wolfgang-Gaedestr. 1, 76137 Karlsruhe
DOI of this data publication: 10.5445/IR/1000097356
zip files:
part1-3: simulation data
part4: matlab functions to generate plots contained in the dissertation manuscript
after unzipping, you will find the following folders:
- Fig2_3: matlab function and data used to generate the figure 2.3
- Fig4_3: matlab function and data used to generate the figure 4.3
- FigD2: matlab function and data used to generate the figure D.2
- TLS-locations\TLS_locations_allQubs_publish.m: matlab function used for the analyzis of TLS locations, and generation of Figures 2.10, 2.11, 4.6-4.8, 4.12-4.14, D.1, E.5, E.6, E.8, F.1
- TLS-locations\errorEstimation_InterfaceParticipation_publish.m: matlab function to estimate the errors presented in Equation 4.7 (Output files Pint_QB2_runAug2018 and Pint_QB2_runAug2018_roughSweep can be plotted with the same function: set the variable "loadprevious" to 1)
- E-field_simulations_2D_1 and _2D_2 and _3D: simulation data used in the analyzis above.
- E-field_simulations_2D_2\Exported_Data\path_along_film-edge-profile: matlab function to generate the points at the film edge profile (2D model), at which the electric field shall be exported from the simulation model
- E-field_simulations_3D\Exported_Data\potential_for_2D-simu_V5_2_10: data exported from the 3D model to find the effective potential for the electrodes in the 2D model (see Fig 4.4 c)
- E-field_simulations_3D\Exported_Data\Field_Along_Edges: exported data of electric fields along the fim edge in the 3D model, presented in Figs. 4.6 and F.6