Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and natural remanent magnetization (NRM) data from sediment cores along the Gloria Fault (North Atlantic)


The present dataset contains results from magnetic data measurements – data files and plots –on sediment cores collected during the M162 marine campaign, conducted onboard the R/V Meteor (Geomar, Germany) from 06/03/2020 to 11/04/2020 along the Gloria Fault - the Atlantic plate boundary between the Africa and the Eurasia plates. 46 gravity cores (39 with successful recovery) were collected on 6 geographically defined working areas (WA1 to WA6), from the Azores plateau to the Josephine seamount area. Magnetic susceptibility was measured onboard after core opening, using a KT10 magnetic hand susceptibilimeter (Bartington). Generally, one measurement was taken at each 5 cm, except when the core was very monotonous (each 10 cm) or when singular sedimentary horizons occurred in between each 5 cm mark. In addition to onboard measurements, 26 cores were also sampled using 2×2 cm3 plastic boxes, standard for laboratory magnetic analysis. Magnetic measurements were later conducted on the Paleomagnetism Laboratory of Instituto Dom Luiz (FCUL, Lisbon, Portugal), and included: anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS), using a MFK1 Kappabridge (Agico), natural remanent magnetization (NRM) using a JR6 spinner magnetometer (Agico), and its alternating field demagnetization, using a LDA-3 AF demagnetizer (Agico).

M162-GC_loc.xls - Date, geographical location, label, cruise station and recovered length of each gravity core (GC). Each GC is labeled in successive order of recovery (1-45), and corresponds to a respective M162 station / event location in Data_files:AMS:M162.ams - AMS data, binary file to be read by Agico software (Anisoft)M162-AMS.txt - AMS data, text fileNRM_AFdemag:AFdemag-M162.jr6 - AF demagnetization file, Agico format (Remasoft)GCXX_YY.rs3 - Principal component analysis for calculation of characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM), Agico format (Remasoft)Onboard_Km:GCXX_km_obs.txt - Magnetic susceptibility measured onboard, for each core(B) Plots_figures:WA_GC.png - Logs of the in-depth variation of magnetic parameters, for each coreM162_ams_GC.png - Stereographic plots of AMS, for each coreGCXX_1.png - Stereographic plots of demagnetization and characteristic remanent magnetization vector, for 9 example samplesUnits:Magnetic susceptibility in SI unitsMagnetization in A/m

Metadata Access
Creator Neres, Marta ORCID logo; Batista, Luis ORCID logo; Terrinha, Pedro ORCID logo; Nogueira, Pedro; Rodrigues, Diogo; Hensen, Christian
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2024
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 8 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-26.125W, 36.897S, -14.918E, 37.990N); South Atlantic Ocean
Temporal Coverage Begin 2020-03-07T09:55:32Z
Temporal Coverage End 2020-04-03T18:14:15Z