Processing results from drill hole VNIIO-1986-01 in the North Murmanskaya Area (Report 6155, Murmansk)


Project: 4/86-88 - Study of lithologic-facial composition of rocks, correlation of sections, and selecting reference collections of Mesozoic-Paleozoic deposits from the Barents and Kara Seas.The hole was drilled in the North Murmansk Area in the southern part of the Barents Sea.Reasons for drilling:1. Study of geological characteristics and structure of the section; its subdivision.2. Study of matter composition of deposits and selecting reference collections.3. Comparison of the section with earlier studied ones on the shelf and land.4. Study of regional variations in thickness of sequences and in composition of deposits.Technical results:The hole was drilled from 13.04.1986 till 11.07.1986. It has penetrated the section up to 3007 m and stopped in Late Triassic deposits.Scientific results:1. Within the studied geological section a lithologic and stratigraphic sequence of sedimentary rocks (based on paleontological rests, lithologic composition, and logging data) from the Late Triassic to Quaternary deposits has been carried out.2. Thicknesses of the units are as followed: Late Triassic - 309 m (Carnian-Norian - 97 m, Rhaetian - 212 m), Early Jurassic - 444 m, Middle Jurassic - 405 m (Aalenian-Bathonian - 279 m, Callovian - 126 m), Late Jurassic (Oxfordian-Tithonian) - 72 m, Early Cretaceous - 1082 m (Neocomian - 138 m, Barremian - 91 m, Aptian - 179 m, Aptian? - Albian - 674 m), Late Cretaceous - 527 m (Cenomanian-Coniacian - 294 m, Santonian - 139 m, Campanian-Maastrichtian - 94 m), Paleogene - 13 m, Neogene-Quaternary - 162 m.3. Late Triassic deposits are chiefly continental, they comprise intercalated siltstones and claystones with silty sandy interlayers.4. Early-Middle Jurassic deposits are supposed of near-shore marine origin. They comprise sandstones, siltstones, and claystones, often with additional coarser or finer material.5. Late Jurassic deposits formed in shallow marine conditions and chiefly comprise claystones with limestone layers. The deposits are rich in bitumen.6. The shallow marine Early Cretaceous (Neocomian) claystone series has a clinoform structure. Clinoforms thin out in a southwest direction that indicates supply of sedimentary material from the north-east.7. The North Murmansk structure is a sedimentary-tectonic anticline formed due to combination of progradation clinoforms inclined in the south-west direction in spite of general regional inclination of the Neocomian sedimentary complex on the south-western flange of the South Barents Basin to the north-east.8. Comparison of the section with ones from the Murmansk Area does not show a correlation.

Metadata Access
Creator Zaripov, Oktyabrist G; Pavlov, Leonid G
Publisher PANGAEA
Contributor All-Russian Research Institute for Geology and Mineral Resources of the World Ocean, St. Petersburg
Publication Year 1987
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Publication Series of Datasets; Collection
Format application/zip
Size 8 datasets
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (41.562 LON, 70.408 LAT); Barents Sea