Compilation of 149 published vegetation and hydroclimate records with their respective references. It is updated compilation of hydroclimate records from tropical South America made by Zhang et al. (2016). We considered all their records that cover the Last Glacial Maximum and added new ones, published since then, that showed vegetation, hydroclimate and environmental reconstructions. Original chronologies of all paleorecords were used. To evaluate the dating quality of the compiled records, we applied a chronological reliability index (CRI). In order to compare the results from the compilation with model simulations, we defined categories for precipitation and vegetation (biome) changes based on the original interpretations of the authors. In the case of precipitation, anomalies are expressed as the difference between LGM and present time, and the categories are "drier", "wetter" and "unclear". Also for vegetation anomalies are expressed as the difference between LGM and present time, and the categories are "change", "no change" and "unclear".