The Sr3CuPtxxIr1-xO6 system has been considered to be a candidate random quantum spin chain. (RQS). For x=1 adjacent S=1/2 Cu2+ions are antiferromagnetically (AF) coupled to create a Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain whereas for x=0 Cu2+ and Ir4+ ions are ferromagnetically (F) coupled. At intervening values of x it is anticipated that AF and F segments exist as a consequence of the random distribution of Pt and Ir in the chains, giving rise to intra-segment and inter-segment effect the balance of which is modified with temperature. Our earlier SR data and the work of other authors provides evidence of order for x=0 and 3-dimensionality which decreases with x. We propose to conduct detailed SR investigation of the low temperature magnetic order focussing on the Ir-rich end of the series.