Integrating in-situ data with satellite-derived products to assess surface-groundwater interactions and sustainability of groundwater resources in semi-arid environment


Hydrometeorological data were collected for this PhD project which aims at presenting methods of integration of in-situ data with satellite-derived products, to provide reliable input data for the integrated hydrological model, focussing on its assessment of SW-GW interaction and sustainability of groundwater resources. The ground data were used to validate satellite-based products and to calibrate integrated hydrological model. The project consists four research chapters,
1. Gebremedhin, M. A., Lubczynski, M., Maathuis, B., & Teka, D. (2021). Novel approach to integrate daily satellite rainfall, with in-situ rainfall, Upper Tekeze Basin, Ethiopia. Atmospheric Research, 248, 1–15. 2. Gebremedhin, M. A., Lubczynski, M. W., Maathuis, B. H. P., Daoud, M. G., & Teka, D. (2023). Spatio-temporal rainfall interception loss at the catchment scale from earth observation in a data-scarce area , Northern Ethiopia. Journal of Hydrology, 626. 3. Gebremedhin, M. A., Lubczynski, M. W., Maathuis, B. H. P., & Teka, D. (2022). Deriving potential evapotranspiration from satellite-based reference evapotranspiration, Upper Tekeze Basin, Northern Ethiopia. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 41. 4. Gebremedhin, M. A., Lubczynski, M. W., Maathuis, B. H. P., Daoud, M.G., & Teka, D. (2024). Spatio-temporal variability of surface-groundwater interactions in complex hydro(geo)logical system, Zamra catchment, Ethiopia. Prepared for submission to Journal (Science of Total Environment)

Metadata Access
Creator Gebremedhin, MA
Publisher DANS Data Station Physical and Technical Sciences
Contributor Gebremedhin,MA; Gebremedhin, MA; Gebremedhin,M.A; Lubczynski, M.W; Maathuis, B.H.P; Teka, D
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference Dutch organisation for internationalisation in education (Nuffic) and Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) of University of Twente, under the Ethiopian Educational Network to Support Agricultural Transformation (EENSAT) project
Rights DANS Licence; info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess;
OpenAccess false
Contact Gebremedhin,MA (Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/x-rar-compressed; application/zip; text/plain; text/csv; text/tab-separated-values; text/xml; text/x-python; application/x-msdownload; application/pdf; application/octet-stream
Size 4303492; 71941063; 79100236; 10923005; 645752; 5881382; 2052997; 6040118; 4327; 808; 231183; 198783569; 1890; 4697; 9469809; 1482948; 18447730; 577542; 2591; 662; 8957936; 1458162; 3906560; 155860; 659
Version 1.0
Discipline Earth and Environmental Science; Environmental Research; Geosciences; Natural Sciences