SeaDataNet - Chemical oceanography from Ifremer, Scientific Information Systems for the sea (PointOfContact; Data Custodian; Data Distributor), point observations

SeaDataNet is the Pan-European infrastructure for marine and ocean data management and delivery services. It is supported by the EU under its Research Infrastructures programme. It connects 40 National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODC's) and 50 other data centres from 35 countries, bordering the European seas and Atlantic Ocean. The centres are mostly part of major marine management and research organisations that are acquiring and managing a large collection of marine and ocean data from various disciplines. This includes major international organisations, ICES and IOC-IODE. The overall objective is provide overview and access to marine and oceanographic data and data-products from government and research institutes in Europe. SeaDataNet contributes to the implementation of the EU INSPIRE and Marine Strategy Framework Directives. It also plays a key role in the development and operation of the EU EMODNet initiative. The SeaDataNet infrastructure is fully operational and INSPIRE compliant. It includes a versatile SeaDataNet portal ( that provides users with a range of metadata, data and data product access services as well as standards, tools and guides for good marine data management. The Common Data Index (CDI) data discovery and access service provides harmonised access to the large volumes of datasets that are managed by the connected data centres. The CDI service contains already references and gives access to more than 1,5 milllion marine and oceanographic datasets as managed by 90 data centres. These numbers are increasing regularly because of further data population and more connected data centres as part of SeaDataNet II, EMODnet and other EU projects. For inclusion in the SeaDataNet INSPIRE compliant CSW service, the CDI records (at granule level) have been aggregated into CDI collections by a combination of Discipline, Data Centre, and geometric type. Each CSW XML record therefore represents a large collection of individual metadata records and associated datasets. By following the specified URL to the SeaDataNet portal users can evaluate these metadata in detail and request access by downloading of interesting datasets via the shopping cart transaction system that is integrated in the SeaDataNet portal.

Metadata Access
Instrument CTD; water temperature sensor; salinity sensor; dissolved gas sensors; discrete water samplers; water pressure sensors; fluorometers; optical backscatter sensors; radiometers; nutrient analysers; pH sensors; current profilers; colorimeters; autoanalysers; transmissometers; bench fluorometers; in-situ particle sizers; current meters
Publisher Blue-Cloud Data Discovery & Access service; SeaDataNet
Contributor Ifremer, Scientific Information Systems for the sea; Laboratory of Oceanography of Villefranche; Ifremer Head Office; Laboratory of Oceanography and Climate, Experiments and numerical Approaches; IRD, Centre de Noumea; ERIC Euro-Argo; IFREMER, Fisheries English Channel North sea (Boulogne-sur-mer); IRD, Centre de Bretagne; Laboratory for Ocean Physics and Satellite remote; IRD, Centre of Abidjan; Laboratory of Phyical Oceanography, CNRS-IFREMER-IRD-UBO; UNKNOWN; Ifremer, Ecology and Models for the Fishing Industry; IRD, Centre of Pointe Noire; IRD, Centre de la Reunion; CNRS, Laboratory of studies on Spatial Geophysics and Oceanography; CNRS, COM, Physical and Biogeochemical Oceanography Laboratory (Luminy); Oceanologic Observatory of Banyuls, University of Paris VI, OSU; Villefranche Sea Institute; Laboratory of Physical Oceanography, Universite de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO); IRD, Centre de Papeete; IRD, Centre de Montpellier; Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Laboratoire d'Oceanographie Physique; IRD, Antenne Institut Oceanographique; COM, Physical and Biogeochemical Oceanography Laboratory (Endoume); Ifremer, Station de Sete; Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography (Marseille); University of Perpignan, CEFREM; Ifremer, Centre de Bretagne; EPOC, Geology and Oceanography Department; IRD, Centre de Cayenne- Guyane; CEA, Climate and Environmental Sciences Laboratory; Oceanology and Geosciences Laboratory; Ifremer, DYNECO- Coastal Environment Dynamics department; Oceanological Observatory of Villefranche sur Mer; Ifremer, Fisheries Sciences and Technology (Lorient); Ifremer, Station de la Tremblade; CEA, Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire; CNRS, Laboratory Of Sciences Of Marine Environment; Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography, Noumea; CNRS, Microbiology, Geochemistry and Marine Ecology Laboratory; Hydrographic and oceanographic service of the French navy; Pacific Community; Ifremer, CRELA; CNRS, COM, Physical and Biogeochemical Oceanography Laboratory (Toulon); Entropie; IRD, Centre of Hann; Microbial Oceanography Laboratory; Universite de la Mediterrannee (U2), Centre d'Oceanologie de Marseille; Universite de Bretagne Occidentale, Lab. D'Oceano. Chimique Loc, LUEM; Ifremer, Fisheries Science and Technology (Plouzane); Marine Biodiversity, Exploitation and Conservation (Sète); Ifremer, Centre Manche, Mer du Nord; IRD, Centre of Sete; Ifremer, DYNECO, PELAGOS - Laboratoire d'Ecologie Pelagique; Institute of Earth Physics of Paris; Geosciences Montpellier; Ifremer, DYNECO, PHYSED - Labo Physique Hydrodynamique et Sedimentaire; IRD, Antenne de Toulouse; Mediterranean Institute Of Oceanography (Toulon); Ifremer, Pacific center; Ifremer, Deep Environment Laboratory; European Research and Teaching Centre for Environmental Geosciences; CNRS, Center of Oceanology of Marseille La-Seyne-Sur-Mer; Angers University, Laboratory of current and fossil bio-indicators; Ifremer, Station d'Arcachon; IRD, Centre of Jakarta; IRD Legos; Ifremer, Biogeochimical end Ecotoxicological Research Unit; La Rochelle University, Littoral Environment and Societies; Meteo France, Centre Meteorologique Nevers; Laboratory of Dynamic Meteorology; Aquitaine Observatory of Sciences of the Universe, University of Bordeaux; Ifremer Station de la Rochelle-l'Houmeau; CNRS, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace; IRD, Centre Toga Le Havre; Universite de Pau, Institute of Analytical Sciences and Physico-Chemistry for Environment and Materials - UMR 5254; Ifremer, Marine Geosciences; Ifremer, Station Port en Bessin; Universite de Pau, Lab. Chimie Bio Inorganique et Environnement; Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Departement Milieux Peuplements Aquatiques; University of Bordeaux I, Marine Biology Institut; Environment Resources Laboratory Morbihan Pays De La Loire - La Trinite; Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Systematic and evolution department; Mediterranean Institute Of Oceanography (Luminy); University of Bordeaux I, IGBA Talence; University of Bordeaux I, Laboratory for Physical and Toxico Chemistry (ISM); Andromede; Universite de Toulon, Lab. de Sondages Electromagnetiques; Roscoff Marine Station, Sorbonne Université and CNRS; IRD, Centre of Madagascar; Ifremer, Deep Sea Environment Department
Publication Year 2024
OpenAccess true
Contact blue-cloud-support(at)
Discipline Marine Science
Spatial Coverage (-179.983W, -71.359S, 180.000E, 81.200N)
Temporal Coverage Begin 1930-08-29T00:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2024-10-01T00:00:00Z