The Pleistocene deposits of Santa Barbara Basin (SBB) show laminations during interglacial periods typical of an anoxic or suboxic depositional environment and more sporadically laminated deposits during glacial times, indicating a more oxic environment of deposition. The 187Os/188Os value of sediment leaches varies as a function of climate, consistent with a more radiogenic Os signal during interglacial times and less radiogenic Os values more typical of glacial times. The signal is confounded by contributions from a high Os detrital component with a variable 187Os/188Os value, but generally agrees with prior result from deposits from other marine environments.
Supplement to: Williams, Gwyneth A; Turekian, Karl K (2004): The glacial-interglacial variation of seawater osmium isotopes as recorded in Santa Barbara Basin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 228(3-4), 379-389