This bibliography unites different data types collected by a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) underneath drifting sea ice during the ARTofMELT2023 (Atmospheric rivers and the onset of sea ice melt) expedition of the Swedish Icebreaker Oden in May and June 2023. The observation class M500 ROV was manufactured by Ocean Modules AB (Åtvidaberg, Sweden) and is owned by the Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung (Bremerhaven, Germany). It was equipped with an extended multidisciplinary sensor payload. To investigate the under-ice light field and bio-optical properties, the ROV was equipped with hyperspectral radiometers, transmissometers and a triplet fluorometer. Oceanographic properties were recorded with a standard CTD package including sensors for dissolved oxygen, nitrate and pH. Single beam and multibeam sonar allowed for a three-dimensional mapping of the ice underside. In addition to different video and still cameras for visual documentation of the under-ice environment, the ROV was equipped with a hyperspectral imager. Data were collected on two different drifting ice floes in May and June 2023. All data are provided at their original temporal resolution and have a common GPS synchronized timestamp. All times are given in UTC. Horizontal position of the ROV was determined using a long baseline acoustic positioning system and is provided in a floe-fixed, relative coordinate system (X, Y) with the origin (X=0 m, Y=0 m) at the ROV access hole. Operations were conducted within a maximum distance of 250 m from the hole. A one function manipulator in combination with the ROV's six degrees of freedom enables deployment and recovery of equipment underneath the ice cover. Details about the respective deployment conditions can be found in the respective cruise reports of ARTofMELT2023 (Tjernström et al., in prep.). A technical description of the ROV can be found in Katlein et al. (2017). MATLAB codes used for processing the data are published on ZENODO (Anhaus et al., 2023).Similar data will be described in a respective ROV data paper. When reusing the data, please refer to this data paper (Anhaus et al., in prep.) and the actual datasets listed below (Datasets listed in this bibliography). Please carefully read the comment section below and contact the author(s) before using the data.