The Cosmogrid Simulation: Statistical Properties of Small Dark Matter Halos (2048-013)

We present the results of the "Cosmogrid" cosmological N-body simulation suites based on the concordance LCDM model. The Cosmogrid simulation was performed in a 30 Mpc box with 2048³ particles. The mass of each particle is 1.28x10^5 Msun, which is sufficient to resolve ultra-faint dwarfs. We found that the halo mass function shows good agreement with the Sheth & Tormen fitting function down to ~10^7 Msun. We have analyzed the spherically averaged density profiles of the three most massive halos which are of galaxy group size and contain at least 170 million particles. The slopes of these density profiles become shallower than -1 at the inner most radius. We also find a clear correlation of halo concentration with mass. The mass dependence of the concentration parameter cannot be expressed by a single power law, however a simple model based on the Press-Schechter theory proposed by Navarro et al. gives reasonable agreement with this dependence. The spin parameter does not show a correlation with the halo mass. The probability distribution functions for both concentration and spin are well fitted by the log-normal distribution for halos with the masses larger than ~10^8 Msun. The subhalo abundance depends on the halo mass. Galaxy-sized halos have 50% more subhalos than ~10^11 Msun halos have.

        This is snapshot 013 of the 2048³ resolution collection.
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Metadata Access
Creator Tomoaki Ishiyama; Steven Rieder; Junichiro Makino; Simon Portegies Zwart; Derek Groen; Keigo Nitadori; Cees de Laat; Stephen McMillan; Kei Hiraki; Stefan Harfst
Publisher Leiden University; SURF
Publication Year 2011
Rights MIT; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Format HDF5
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Cosmology; Natural Sciences; Physics