Secondary minerals and geochemistry at DSDP Legs 68 and 69


Basalt samples recovered during DSDP Legs 68, 69, and 70 from a 550-meter-thick section in two holes near the Costa Rica Rift (Holes 501 and 504B) were found to contain the following secondary minerals: trioctahedral and dioctahedral smectite, chlorite, mixed-layer clays, talc, hematite, pyrite, foujasite, phillipsite, analcime, natrolite, thomsonite, gyrolite, aragonite, calcite, anhydrite, chalcocite, Fe-hydrosilicate, okenite, apophyllite, actinolite, cristobalite, quartz, and magnesite. A less positive identification of bismutite was made. A mineral rich in Mn and minerals with strong reflections at 12.9 Å and 3.20 Å remain unidentified. Trioctahedral smectite replaces glass and olivine in the basalt groundmass. The other secondary minerals occur in veins. The distribution of the secondary minerals in the basalt section shows both hydrothermal and oxidizing-nonoxidizing zonation. Most of the secondary minerals formed under alkaline, nonoxidizing conditions at temperatures up to 120° C. An acidic regime probably existed in the lowest portion of basalt. Oxidative diagenesis followed nonoxidative diagenesis in the upper part of the section. Oxidative diagenesis is characterized by the absence of celadonite, rare occurrences of dioctahedral smectite, and widespread hematite and phillipsite.

Supplement to: Kurnosov, Victor B; Kholodkevich, Igor V; Chubarov, Valerii M; Shevchenko, Alla Ya (1983): Secondary minerals in basalt from the Costa Rica Rift, Holes 501 and 504B, Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 68, 69, and 70. In: Cann, JR; Langseth, MG; Honnorez, J; Von Herzen, RP; White, SM; et al. (eds.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (U.S. Govt. Printing Office), 69, 573-583

Related Identifier IsSupplementTo
Metadata Access
Creator Kurnosov, Victor B; Kholodkevich, Igor V; Chubarov, Valerii M; Shevchenko, Alla Ya
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 1983
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Supplementary Publication Series of Datasets; Collection
Format application/zip
Size 9 datasets
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-83.788W, 1.227S, -83.730E, 1.920N); North Pacific/FLANK; North Pacific/GRABEN
Temporal Coverage Begin 1979-07-08T00:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 1979-12-04T00:00:00Z