Neutrons are an ideal probe of finding magnetic structures. From initial studies on these Ba2MII(PO4)2 (MII = Co, Mn) systems we found interesting magnetic properties. Neutron diffraction study on these systems would therefore be very valuable in unambiguously ascertaining the observed magnetic spin structure and also to explore the molecular assembly of the crystal. That’s why we are proposing to use neutron diffraction on our compounds in order to obtain complete crystallographic information of the magnetic structure for the proposed compounds. Detailed magnetic structural information is required to know the spin arrangement on the Honeycomb lattice. However, magnetization results show antiferromagnetic nature for these compounds. In order to get the clear picture of the magnetic ordering and structural features associated to the magnetic order, it is necessary to perform a neutron diffraction experiment on both compounds Ba2MII(PO4)2 (MII = Co, Mn) samples on E9 (HZB).