Gershberg Flare Star Catalogue

This catalog groups the flare stars as presented in the IAU Colloquium 15 (combined Colloquium of Commisions 27 and 42) held at Bamberg 31-Aug to 03-Sep 1971 entitled "New Directions and New Frontiers in Variable Star Research" The following definition of the UV Cet-type variables was given in Kukarkin's General Catalogue of Variable Stars (1969): "dMe stars, sometimes subject to flares with the amplitude from 1 to 6mag. Maximum brightness is attained in seconds or dozens of seconds after the commencement of the flare; the star returns to its normal brightness after several minutes, or dozens of minutes. A typical representative is UV Ceti." Now it is impossible to consider this definition as a quite right because: 1) There are a number of M-dwarf stars affected by the flares similar to the UV Ceti flares, but in their quiet state spectra, no emission lines are observed. For example, BD+43 44A, BD+43 44 B, and SZ UMa, the flare activity of these stars were detected in Crimea; and probably BD-04 4048B is suspected as a flare star by HERBIG. 2) The lower limit of flare amplitude cited in Kukarkin's corresponds to visual observations, but the modern photoelectric observations register flares with amplitudes to 0.02-0.05mag. Therefore we suppose, that UV Cet-type variables are K-M dwarfs, which show quick flares with amplitudes exceeding the observational errors, and duration of the flares are from a few seconds up to a few hundred minutes. The "catalog" file includes only such variable K-M dwarf stars, for which existing observations allow to construct flare light curves. All stars in "catalog", except V371 Ori, have photoelectric flare light curves. The strong flare of V371 Ori was observed in radio region, but simultaneous optical observations were carried out photographically and visually only.

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Creator Shakhovskaya N.I.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 1997
OpenAccess true
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Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Physics; Stellar Astronomy