Megaold: Baseline and 2.5 year follow up surveys, of people aged 65+ and 85+ in East London and Essex with flagged deaths recorded


Face-to-face interview survey data from a baseline sample of 1360 people aged 65+ and 85+ living at home in East London and Essex from 1987, about their physical and mental health, well-being, social networks, support and needs, using established measurement scales. They were also followed up and re-interviewed face-to-face 2.5-3 years post baseline interview; and all responders' deaths were flagged (the non responders and untraced (usually ghost patients as the sample was taken from family practitioner authority lists) are assigned missing in the dataset). It was funded by health authorities and the Joseph Rowntree Trust.

Face to face interview surveys at baseline and 2.5 year follow-up, plus collection of death certificates for flagged sample.

Metadata Access
Creator Bowling, A, University of Southampton
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 2016
Funding Reference City and Hackney Health Authority (Hackney arms); Mid-Essex Health Authority (Braintree arm); Joseph Rowntree Trust
Rights AP Bowling, University of Southampton
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Numeric
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage East London and Essex; United Kingdom