This data set displays a refined age scale for the U1361A marine sediment core (64.41°S, 143.89°E, 3,454 m water depth), recovered from the continental rise offshore of the Wilkes Subglacial Basin, during the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition (Escutia et al. 2011). This age scale is a refined version of the age scale published in Wilson et al. 2018. Here we use the AICC2012 ice core chronology as a reference curve in order to compare the late Pleistocene sediment core data from U1361A to the TALDICE ice core record. Specifically, we refine the existing U1361A age model through the alignment of barium/aluminium (Ba/Al) ratios from XRF-scanning7 with the EDC δD record on the AICC2012 age scale. We apply a conservative tuning strategy to align the two records, using tie points (derived by visual matching) only at the mid-points of the major glacial terminations I-V. Over the interval of interest for the present study (i.e. ~100-350 ka), the new age model for core U1361 differs by only 0 to 6 ka compared to the previous age model in which the sedimentation rate was assumed to be constant. The Nd and IBRD (ice rafted debris) and 143 Nd/144 Nd records for the U1361A published in Wilson et al. (2018) are drawn on the refined age scale.
IBRD was measured by weighing after wet-sievingIBRD (ire rafted debris) and 143Nd/144Nd records of the U1361A sediment core (Wilson et al. 2018) drawn of the refined age scale tuned on the AICC2012 chronology for EDC (Bazin et al. 2013)