Goniocorella dumosa colony sample NIWA148046 was retrieved , collected from Chatham Rise, New Zealand. The specimen was scanned with a Philips Brilliance iCT Elite 256 computer tomograph (x-ray source, voltage: 120 kV; current: 300 mA; physical resolution: 0.146 and 0.313 mm in xy-direction, respectively, 0.625 mm in z-direction; re-construction interval in z-direction: 0.3 mm; reconstruction: filtered Back Projection (fBP) mode and a bone kernel (YB (Enhanced)).The dataset contains a spreadsheet containing the (directed) edges of the colony skeleton graph. Each label in NIWA148046_calices datasets represents a vertex in this graph. The edges are given by their start label Node ID #1 and the label of their target Node ID #2.The specimen was collected by NIWA as part of their research project "Resilience Of deep-sea Benthic fauna to the Effects of Sedimentation" (ROBES) funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).