SALSA - The SAarbrücken Lexical Semantics Annotation and Analysis Project
The SALSA corpus is based on the TIGER corpus. The TIGER corpus (Version 2.1) consists of app. 900,000 tokens (50,000 sentences) of German newspaper text, taken from the... -
Aerial imagery datasets of permafrost landscapes in Alaska and northwestern C...
During three airborne campaigns conducted between 2018 and 2021 and led by the Alfred Wegener Institute, we collected super-high-resolution multispectral imagery of permafrost... -
Sedimentary records of chemical weathering intensity in Lake Jingpo, northeas...
Due to changing East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) during Holocene, the sediment cores were collected in Lake Jingpo in northeast China and were investigated to understand the... -
High concentrations of ciprofloxacin reduced bacterial abundance and enrichme...
The sea surface microlayer (SML) of marine environments is hostile, exposing bacteria to extreme conditions such as temperatures and salinity fluctuations, solar radiation, and... -
Water and sediment (physico)chemical data from Amazonas lakes, Brazil - rainy...
Water (physico)chemical and sediment chemical data from shallow tropical lakes and some piscicultures are available. In 5 subsequent field campaigns in both dry (3x) and rainy... -
Radiocarbon age and chronology of sediment core SK-312/12, along with Magnesi...
Sediment core SK-312/12 was collected from the Equatorial Indian Ocean at 3750m b.s.l.. Radiocarbon age-depth profile was continuous up to 70 cm of the core length. The core was... -
Master tracks in different resolutions during POLAR 6 campaign P6-252_SLOGIS_...
Raw data acquired by GPS1 position sensors on board research aircraft Polar 6 during the campaign P6-252_SLOGIS_2024 were processed to receive a validated master track which can... -
Multiproxy data from sediment core CAGE19-3-KH14-GPC02 between 140 and 90 ka
We present a sedimentary record from the eastern Fram Strait, Core CAGE19-3-KH14-GPC02, retrieved at a depth of 2275 meters. This record spans the Penultimate Deglacial and the... -
Sediment cores MD19-3575CQ, MD19-3580, COR-1PC, PS2606-6 - subsurface, surfac...
We present five new records in four sediment cores of the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. Radiolarian based subsurface temperatures (subST) were reconstructed using SORAD... -
Basic measurements of radiation at station Minamitorishima (2010-04 et seq)
This is a compilation of all radiation datasets from Minamitorishima station that were published in the frame of BSRN. New data will be added regularly. The data are subject to... -
Palynological data from core AMD0509-20 in eastern Hudson Bay over the past 3...
The data set contains palynological data and sea-surface reconstruction data from 65 samples in a sedimentary sequence of the eastern Hudson Bay that covers the last 3000 years.... -
Direct shear experiments on powdered gouge of ash and scoria samples from Ana...
We performed laboratory friction experiments on simulated fault gouges of ash and scoria samples from Anak Krakatau (Sunda Strait, Indonesia), representing the two main... -
Multidisciplinary analyses of sediment-soil profiles from the Eger floodplain...
This field campaign is part of the DFG projects SPP 2361: On the Way to the Fluvial Anthroposphere and Local pathways to the Fluvial Anthroposphere at Echaz (Rhine) and Eger... -
Basic measurements of radiation at station Ishigakijima (2010-04 et seq)
This is a compilation of all radiation datasets from Ishigakijima station that were published in the frame of BSRN. New data will be added regularly. The data are subject to the... -
Time series of environmental parameters of habitats along the Schleswig-Holst...
The here presented data time-series are connected to the publication "Environmental parameters of shallow water habitats in the SW Baltic Sea" (Franz, M. et al. 2019b). Since... -
Collection of raw data from oceanographic moorings in Antarctica from 2019 on...
This collection contains the raw data from different moorings in Antarctica from 2019 onwards. The individual entries listed below include the raw data recorded by the many... -
Zooplankton abundance, biovolume and biomass from Rectangular Midwater Trawl1...
Mesozooplankton samples were collected with a Rectangle Midwater Trawl 1 (RMT1) during the POLARSTERN expedition PS106/2 in 2017. The net has an aperture of 1 m2 and a mesh size... -
CT-based calices segmentation (in DICOM format) of cold-water coral colony sa...
Dendroid stony corals build highly complex colonies that develop from a single coral polyp sitting in a cup-like skeleton, called corallite, by asexual reproduction, resulting... -
Foraminiferal and bulk sediment geochemistry, faunal indexes, and quartz lumi...
We apply a multi-proxy approach to marine sediment core CDH-89 to assess paleoclimate changes in Northeastern Brazil (NEB) and in the western equatorial Atlantic (WEA) during... -
Sulfur and volcanic sulfate deposition from 6 ice cores in Greenland
Annual-resolved sulfur and non-sea-salt sulfur concentrations and inferred volcanic sulfate depoistion rates from the six ice cores NEEM-2011-S1 (Sigl et al., 2013), NGRIP1...