Scripts to calculate the Vertical Gravity Gradients response of a 3D lithosph...
The scripts and workflow are supplementary material to "3D Modelling of Vertical Gravity Gradients and the delimitation of tectonic boundaries: The Caribbean oceanic domain as a... -
The Hp geomagnetic index test dataset 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2017
Purpose and design of the Hp indices, test dataset The geomagnetic Hp indices are developed as part of the SWAMI project (http://swami-h2020.eu) funded by the European Union’s... -
Accessory Minerals in Felsic Igneous Rocks - Part 7: Composition of monazite-...
Part seven of a series of data sets dealing with the composition of accessory minerals from felsic igneous rocks reports chemical data for monazite-(Ce) and zircon from eight... -
Source parameters of relocated earthquakes recorded during hydraulic stimulat...
The dataset is supplementary material to Kwiatek et al. (2019, Science Advances). The dataset is a refined seismic catalog acquired during the hydraulic stimulation of the... -
MLT-averaged Plasmapause Position Calculated from the PINE Plasmasphere Model...
This dataset is the MLT-averaged plasmapause position calculated for the NSF GEM Challenge Events. We use the recently developed Plasma density in the Inner magnetosphere Neural... -
Simulated sensitivity time series and model performance in three German catch...
The data sets contains the major results of the article “Improving information extraction from model data using sensitivity-weighted performance criteria“ written by Guse et al.... -
Multi-temporal landslide inventory for a study area in Southern Kyrgyzstan de...
Multi-temporal landslide inventories are important information for the understanding of landslide dynamics and related predisposing and triggering factors, and thus a crucial... -
KTB Borehole Measurements: Composite Logs of the German Continental Deep Dril...
KTB Borehole Measurements Data Composite Logs Extensive borehole measurements were performed during the active drilling phase of the KTB pilot and main hole.... -
pmoA gene reference database (fasta-formatted sequences and taxonomy)
This data set is a part of result affiliated to our manuscript about pmoA gene (encoding the alpha subunit of the enzyme of particular methane monooxygenase). The taxonomy... -
gms-vis: a web-based visual-analytics approach for input data assessment, job...
gms-vis is a web-based implementation of our visual-analytics approach for assessing remote-sensing data. It is implemented based on the GWT framework. Once deployed through a... -
The IVS data input to ITRF2014
Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) is a primary space-geodetic technique for determining precise coordinates on the Earth, for monitoring the variable Earth rotation and... -
Supplementary information to "Deep low-frequency earthquakes reveal ongoing m...
The interactive web page contains supplementary information for a publication by Hensch et al. 2019: "Deep low-frequency earthquakes reveal ongoing magmatic recharge beneath... -
North Patagonian Massif, Argentina: Lithospheric 3D gravity modelling using u...
We present a 3-D lithospheric-scale data-constrained structural model covering the area of North Patagonian Massif Plateau (NPM) and its surroundings. These data are... -
Data from distributed temperature sensing (DTS) measured along a fiber optic ...
The fiber optic cable was installed down to 832 m behind the production casing of a 9 5/8" (445-2932 m) and 9 7/8" (0 - 445 m) production casing in well RN-15/DEEPEGS/IDDP-2 in... -
Model files for the Neural network-based model of Electron density in the Top...
Here, we present model files and example scripts for the Neural network-based model of Electron density in the Topside ionosphere (NET). The model is based on radio occultation... -
Grond - A probabilistic earthquake source inversion framework
Grond is an open source software tool for robust characterization of earthquake sources. Moment tensors and finite fault rupture models can be estimated from a combination of... -
IPOC cGPS - Continuous Mode GPS data in the IPOC Region, Northern Chile
The observation of the present-day deformation of the Earth's surface with high spatial and temporal resolution makes up a major part of the Integrated Plate Boundary... -
Supplement to: A quality assessment framework for natural hazard event docume...
This data publication is a supplement to the following publication: Uhlemann, S., Thieken, A.H. and Merz, B.: A quality assessment framework for natural hazard event... -
ITSG-Grace2018/ ITSG-Grace_operational Level-L2B Products Filtered Stokes co...
Filtered GRACE/GRACE-FO spherical harmonic coefficients of ITSG-Grace2018/ITSG-Grace_operational Level-2 GSM products representing an estimate of Earth's gravity field... -
ELFIN-L Level 1 PRM (Electron Losses and Fields INvestigation on board the Lo...
The objective of the Lomonosov satellite development concerns the studies of the ultra-high energy cosmic rays and fast processes in optic, X-ray and gamma-ranges which occur in...