Replication data of Buchmeiser group for: Reaction Mechanism of Ring-Closing ...
DFT calculations were carried out to explore all relevant pathways for the ring-closing metathesis (RCM) reaction of a cationic molybdenum imido alkylidene N-heterocyclic... -
Replication data for: Understanding Synthetic Peculiarities of Cationic Molyb...
Data on novel synthetic approaches to molybdenum imido alkylidene N‐heterocyclic carbene (NHC) complexes including the first NHC alkylidene complexes featuring... -
Data for Silica‐Supported Cationic Tungsten Imido Alkylidene Stabilized by an...
All primary data files that were contributed to the publication by the Buchmeiser Research Group can be found here. Data obtained by the Coperet Research Group is not included.... -
Data for: "Origin and Use of Hydroxyl Group Tolerance in Cationic Molybdenum ...
Primary data files related to the publication. Procedures, recation conditions and used analytical equipment is discussed in detail in the experimental section or the supporting... -
Data for: "Charge Distribution in Cationic Molybdenum Imido Alkylidene N-Hete...
All primary data files contributed to the publication by the Buchmeiser group can be found here. Procedures, reaction conditions and used analytical equipment is discussed in... -
Data for: "Synthesis of trans-Isotactic Poly(norbornene)s through Living Ring...
All primary data files for the publication can be found here. Procedures, reaction conditions and used analytical equipment is discussed in detail in the experimental section or... -
Data for: "Molybdenum Imido Alkylidene N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes Conta...
All primary data files related to the publication. Procedures, recation conditions and used analytical equipment is discussed in detail in the experimental section or the... -
Data for: "Cationic Group VI Metal Imido Alkylidene N‐Heterocyclic Carbene Ni...
All primary data files related to the publication. Procedures, recation conditions and used analytical equipment is discussed in detail in the experimental section or the... -
Data for: Tuning the Latent Behavior of Molybdenum Imido Alkylidene N-Heteroc...
We report the synthesis of O- and N-chelated hexacoordinated molybdenum imido alkylidene N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) bistriflate and pentacoordinated molybdenum imido... -
Publication Data for: Regio‐ and Stereospecific Cyclopolymerization of α,ω‐Di...
All primary data files and processed data of the journal article from Buchmeiser group. Spectroscopic data of the different polymers is put into folders for each polymer, data... -
Data for: "Olefin Ring-closing Metathesis under Spatial Confinement and Conti...
The use of a 2nd-generation Hoveyda-Grubbs-type catalyst immobilized inside mesoporous silica for the application in selective macro(mono)cyclization (MMC) of an... -
Publication data for: "Molybdenum and Tungsten Alkylidyne Complexes Containin...
All primary data files and processed data of the journal article from Buchmeiser group. NMR data is in the folder NMR divided in NMR experiments and pure compounds which... -
Chromium(VI) Bisimido Dichloro, Bisimido Alkylidene, and Chromium(V) Bisimido...
Reaction of CrCl2(N-tBu)2 with 1,3-dimethylimidazol-2-ylidene (IMe), 1,3-dimethyl-4,5-dichloroimidazol-2-ylidene (IMeCl2), 1,3-di(2-propyl)imidazol-2-ylidene (IPr),... -
Replication Data for: Synthesis of Tungsten(VI) Imido Alkylidene Bispyrrolide...
A general route to tungsten(VI) imido alkylidene bispyrrolide complexes via the extrusion of CO2 from the reaction of one equivalent of an aryl isocyanate with WOCl4 to form the... -
Publication data for: "Potential of triphenylphosphine as solid-state NMR pro...
All primary data files and processed data of the journal article from Dyballa group. NMR files are uploaded as jcampdx data. -
Publication data for: "Noble metal location in porous supports determined by ...
Different phosphines (PR3, R= phenyl, 4-methoxyphenyl) are demonstrated to be useful probe molecules for the spatial location and quantification of noble metal (NM) atoms within... -
Replication Data for: "Olefin Metathesis in Confined Geometries: A Biomimetic...
This paper addresses the synthesis of macrocyclic molecules by a spatial confinement effect in SBA-15. Various aspects such as concentration dependence, substrate size and... -
Replication Data for: "The Role of Spacer Length in Macrocyclization Reaction...
All primary data files associated with this publication, experimental procedures, reaction conditions, and used analytical equipment can be found in detail in the experimental... -
Replication Data for: Olefin Metathesis and Stereoselective Ring-Opening Meta...
All primary data files associated with this publication, experimental procedures, reaction conditions and used analytical equipment can be found in detail in the experimental... -
Replication data of Buchmeiser group for: "Stereoselective Ring Expansion Met...
Synthetic proofs in form of 1H, 13C, 19 F NMR spectra, as well as GPC traces for polymers, the presented MALDI-TOF spectrum, Data files for the crystal structure as well as data...