GraphML file for homologues and reconstructed ancestors of arylsulfatases and...
Protein sequence network for homologues of arylsulfatases and phosphonate monoester hydrolases, including reconstructed ancestral sequences from a maximum-likelihood... -
Seed sequences for the Glycoside Hydrolase 19 Engineering Database
Query sequences for the individual BLAST searches used to initialize the Glycoside Hydrolase 19 Engineering Database (GH19ED, https://gh19ed.biocatnet.de/). -
Profile hidden Markov models of the Glycoside Hydrolase 19 Engineering Database
A starting alignment was built if other sequences with a known PDB structure were available, by performing a GH19 domain structure-based alignment generated through the mmaker... -
GraphML files for protein sequence networks of glycoside hydrolase 19 homologues
GraphML files for undirected weighted graphs with nodes that represent protein sequences of glycoside hydrolase 19 homologues. Protein sequences were clustered by a threshold of... -
Conserved positions in expansin homologues
Conserved positions in the N- and C-terminal expansin domains of different groups from the Expansin Engineering Database (occurring in at least 70% of the annotated sequence... -
Expansin homologues in actinobacterial genomes from South Africa
Hit sequences for putative expansins (or expansin domains) are reported from an exemplary genome screening. Five actinobacterial genomes were selected to show the application of... -
Occurrence of expansins in the tree of life
Comparison between expansins found in the Expansin Engineering Database (ExED) and literature. -
Expansin domains in CBM63 sequences
The occurrence of N- and C-terminal expansin domains in CBM63 sequences from the CAZy database. Protein sequences are represented by NCBI accessions. Expansin domains were... -
GraphML files for protein sequence networks of expansin homologues
GraphML files for undirected weighted graphs with nodes that represent protein sequences of expansin homologues. Protein sequences were clustered by a threshold of sequence... -
Profile hidden Markov models of the ExED
Profile hidden Markov models and their underlying multiple sequence alignments for the N- and C-terminal protein domains of expansins. A profile hidden Markov model (HMM) was... -
Query sequences for the update of the ExED
Query sequences for the individual BLAST searches used to update the Expansin Engineering Database (ExED, https://exed.biocatnet.de/). -
Query sequences for the update of the LccED
Query sequences for the individual BLAST searches used to update the Laccase and Multicopper Oxidase Engineering Database (LccED, https://lcced.biocatnet.de/). -
The modular structure of alpha/beta-hydrolases: similarity of the N- and C-te...
To analyse the structural similarities of the N- and C-terminal domains, representative protein structures of each oxyanion hole type from the proteins of alpha/beta-hydrolase... -
Data for: 'EnzymeML-based modeling workflow: from raw data to kinetic paramet...
Kinetic parameter estimates for small laccase (SLAC) catalyzed oxidation of ABTS, investigated across the temperature range between 25 °C and 45°C. This dataset contains the... -
Viscosities of experimental aqueous glycerol mixtures
In order to make thermophysical properties of complex liquid mixtures available to a comprehensive analysis, we developed a data management and analysis platform based on the... -
Viscosities of experimental aqueous methanol mixtures
In order to make thermophysical properties of complex liquid mixtures available to a comprehensive analysis, we developed a data management and analysis platform based on the... -
Self-diffusion coefficients of experimental aqueous glycerol mixtures
In order to make thermophysical properties of complex liquid mixtures available to a comprehensive analysis, we developed a data management and analysis platform based on the... -
Tracer-diffusion coefficients of experimental aqueous methanol mixtures
In order to make thermophysical properties of complex liquid mixtures available to a comprehensive analysis, we developed a data management and analysis platform based on the... -
Densities of experimental aqueous glycerol mixtures
In order to make thermophysical properties of complex liquid mixtures available to a comprehensive analysis, we developed a data management and analysis platform based on the... -
Densities of experimental aqueous methanol mixtures
In order to make thermophysical properties of complex liquid mixtures available to a comprehensive analysis, we developed a data management and analysis platform based on the...