micro-XRCT dataset of Enzymatically Induced Calcite Precipitation (EICP) in a...
micro-XRCT dataset (projection and reconstructed images) based on a region of interest scan (diameter 12.49 mm, height 9.09 mm) of a microfluidic cell including calcium... -
Optical Microscopy and pressure measurements of Enzymatically Induced Calcite...
Content: This dataset includes raw as well as processed data from three experiments (Exp 1 - 3). Each dataset consists of the readouts from the pressure sensor(s), as logged... -
micro-XRCT data set of Carrara marble with artificially created crack network...
micro-XRCT data set (projections and reconstructed images) of a Carrara marble core with a diameter of 5 mm. The sample was extracted with a water-cooled diamond drill from a... -
micro-XRCT data set of an in-situ flow experiment with an X-ray transparent f...
Micro-XRCT data sets (projection and reconstructed images) of an in-situ experiment with an X-ray transparent flow cell. As a porous medium, a 3 mm cylindrical sandstone core... -
micro-XRCT data set of Carrara marble with artificially created crack network...
micro-XRCT data set (projection and reconstructed images) of a Carrara marble core with a diameter of 5 mm. The sample was extracted with a water-cooled diamond drill from a... -
Digital rock physics and laboratory considerations on a high-porosity volcani...
Reticulite (high-porosity volcanic rock) is a pyroclastic rock formed during intense Hawaiian fountaining events. The honeycombed network of bubbles is supported by glassy... -
micro-XRCT data set of open-pored asphalt concrete
micro-XRCT data set (projection and reconstructed images) resulting from a region of interest scan (diameter 48.41 mm, height 35.46 mm) located in the center of an open-pored... -
Image processing code for characterization of multiphase flow in porous media
This work utilizes microfluidic experiments to gather data captured as snapshots during the experiments. These snapshots provide real-time information and undergo image... -
POREMAPS 1.0.0: Code, Benchmarks, Applications
Initial release 1.0.0 for POREMAPS, PORous Media Anisotropic Permeability Solver for Stokes flow including benchmarks and applications according to Krach et al. (2024). POREMAPS... -
Visual characterization of displacement processes in porous media
This dataset correlates to the submitted article to IEEE VIS 2023, entitled “Visual Analysis of Displacement Processes in Porous Media using Spatio-Temporal Flow Graphs”, by... -
Direct and Indirect Measurement of Complex Poisson's Ratio - Direct Measureme...
This data set contains directly determined complex Poisson's ratio from axial and transversal strain measurements. Here, the axial and transverse strains were measured locally... -
Direct and Indirect Measurement of Complex Poisson's Ratio - Indirect Measure...
This data set contains indirectly calculated complex Poisson's ratio by determining the complex Young's E and complex shear modulus G from torsion and tension measurements. The... -
Direct and Indirect Measurement of Complex Poisson's Ratio - Direct Measureme...
This data set contains directly determined complex Poisson's ratio from axial and transversal strain measurements. Here, the axial and transverse strains were measured locally... -
micro-XRCT data sets and in situ measured ultrasonic wave propagation of pre-...
This dataset contains 12 micro X-ray Computed Tomography (micro-XRCT) data sets from scans of cylindrical particulate mixture samples (diameter 80 mm; unloaded height 80 mm)... -
micro-XRCT data sets and in situ measured ultrasonic wave propagation of pre-...
This dataset contains 8 micro X-ray Computed Tomography (micro-XRCT) data sets from scans of cylindrical particulate mixture samples (diameter 80 mm; unloaded height 80 mm)... -
Data for: Formation of common preferential two-phase displacement pathways in...
With the use of optical microscopy, microfluidic experiments took place in quasi-2D artificial porous media for a variety of cyclic displacement processes and boundary... -
Numerical investigation results of 3D porous structures using stochastic reco...
This dataset contains the outcomes of conducted numerical simulations, rooted in designs generated using a stochastic algorithm devised by Quiblie (1984), Adler et al. (1990),... -
micro-XRCT datasets of stochastically reconstructed 3D porous media micromode...
This dataset contains micro X-ray Computed Tomography (micro-XRCT) scan data sets (projection, reconstructed, and binarized images) of 3D porous media micromodels manufactured... -
In situ performed fracturing experiment of a limestone sample using an X-ray ...
This dataset contains in situ recorded micro X-ray Computed Tomography (micro-XRCT) scan data sets (reconstructed and projection images) of a marine limestone sample under... -
In situ micro-XRCT data set of an open-cell polyurethane foam sample under un...
This dataset contains seven micro X-Ray Computed Tomography (micro-XRCT) scan data sets (projection, reconstructed, and segmented images, respectively) of an open-cell...