Replication Data for: Transferable Anisotropic Mie Potential Force Field for ...
Supplementary material is provided for the Transferable Anisotropic Mie Potential Force Field for Alkanediols, including files for rerunning TURBOMOLE DFT calculations for... -
D1244 sensor data (December 2023)
General information: This dataset contains measurements from the adaptive high-rise demonstrator building D1244, built in the scope of the CRC1244. This 36m high building is... -
Technical specifications and details of the muscle-driven biorobotic arm ATARO
ATARO is a bio-inspired arm robot with two degrees of freedom. Five artificial muscle-spring units (MSUs) are used for actuation. The MSUs, each consisting of a pneumatic... -
exaFOAM Microbenchmark MB19 - Viscoelastic Profile Extrusion
This work is part of the exaFOAM project, aimed at optimizing the open-source CFD software OpenFOAM for massively parallel HPC architectures and overcoming performance... -
exaFOAM Microbenchmark MB7 - Viscoelastic Lid-driven Cavity
This work is part of the exaFOAM project, aimed at optimizing the open-source CFD software OpenFOAM for massively parallel HPC architectures and overcoming performance... -
exaFOAM Industrial Benchmark B4 - Viscoelastic Complex Profile Extrusion
This work is part of the exaFOAM project, aimed at optimizing the open-source CFD software OpenFOAM for massively parallel HPC architectures and overcoming performance... -
Replication Data for: A physiologically enhanced muscle spindle model: using ...
This code/data allows you reproduce the results of the paper: "A physiologically enhanced muscle spindle model: using a Hill-type model for extrafusal fibers as template for... -
Replication Data for: "Deep learning-based estimation of the neutral body pos...
This dataset contains the pose estimation results from the third-party framework "PARE" (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems) and the pose averaging script (Matlab,... -
Crash Simulations of a Racing Kart's Structural Frame Colliding against a Rig...
Crash Simulations of a Racing Kart Frame Model This dataset contains results for several crash simulations of the frame of a racing kart colliding against a rigid wall. The... -
DuMux 3.8.0
Release 3.8.0 of DuMux, DUNE for Multi-{Phase, Component, Scale, Physics, ...} flow and transport in porous media. DuMux is a free and open-source simulator for flow and... -
Additional Material: Viscosities of Inhomogeneous Systems from Generalized En...
This data set contains data of three categories: 1) LAMMPS input files (.lammps), postprocessing python script (.py) and density and velocity profiles (.dat) from NEMD. 2) DFT... -
Data for: Experimental Analysis of Lifelines in a 15,000 L Bioreactor by Mean...
The DaRUS repository entails the raw files, result files and the MATLAB codes for the publication "Experimental Analysis of Lifelines in a 15,000 L Bioreactor by Means of... -
Object Detection on Depth Map with YOLO
A neural network, based on the ‘You Only Look Once’ (YOLO) network, has been trained to detect objects, using conventional RGB images. Taking advantage of the pixel relationship... -
D1244 sensor data (November 2023)
General information: This dataset contains measurements from the adaptive high-rise demonstrator building D1244, built in the scope of the CRC1244. This 36m high building is... -
Micro Manager Version v0.3.0
The Micro Manager is a tool to facilitate solving two-scale (macro-micro) coupled problems using the coupling library preCICE. The compressed source files of this data set are... -
Replication Data for: Control Comparison of Impact Actuator
The Dataset contains the data, that was created simulating and measuring different control strategies for the impact actuator. Each table contains the time value, the set... -
Replication Data for: Development of a framework for point-particle tracking
This dataset contains a custom build for Altair's simulation software ultraFluidX and the input files used in the Master Thesis 'Development of an Euler-Lagrangian framework for... -
Replication Data for: Learning Compensation of the State-Dependent Transmissi...
This dataset contains all experimental data that is shown within the paper "Learning Compensation of the State-Dependent Transmission Errors in Rack-and-Pinion Drives".... -
SynDAB Dataset
The dataset comprises a collection of images captured from the perspective of an excavator. The images depict a landfill with various environmental contexts. Specifically,... -
Supporting Information: Notebooks, Solute Configurations and Solvation Free E...
This dataset contains three types of data: 1) Jupyter notebooks (.ipynb) for the calculation of solvation free energies and for the recreation of all figures in the publication;...