Motion and Motor-Current Data of a Four-Bar Linkage
General A hardware prototype of a four-bar linkage was constructed to generate the presented data set. The data consists of desired input currents supplied to a servo motor and... -
Replication Data for "Investigating the Long-Term Kinetics of Pd Nanoparticle...
All data files related to the publications, reaction conditions, and characterization equipment are discussed in detail in the publication. Kinetic behavior related to the Pd... -
COLife_01 - Gigamap and DIY Files
The data cover codesigned gigamap and parametric and analogue DIY files of BioDiveIn more-than-human intervention. The gigamap was a product of digital participation in the Miro... -
Replication Data for NestE: Modeling Nested Relational Structures for Knowled...
This code is a PyTorch implementation of the paper "NestE: Modeling Nested Relational Structures for Knowledge Graph Reasoning (AAAI'24)". NestE is a knowledge graph embedding... -
Replication Data for: "Light-driven molecular motors embedded in covalent org...
The incorporation of molecular machines into the backbone of porous framework structures will facilitate nano actuation, enhanced molecular transport, and other... -
Replication Data for: Investigations on the Shear Load-Bearing Behavior of Fu...
Addendum to the corresponding paper. The paper describes numerical and experimental investigations of functionally graded concrete beams subjected to three-point bending tests... -
Replication Data for: A Complementary Experimental and Theoretical Approach f...
This dataset contains raw and processed data corresponding to all the atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), polarization-modulation infrared... -
Data for: Experimental Analysis of Lifelines in a 15,000 L Bioreactor by Mean...
The DaRUS repository entails the raw files, result files and the MATLAB codes for the publication "Experimental Analysis of Lifelines in a 15,000 L Bioreactor by Means of... -
Object Detection on Depth Map with YOLO
A neural network, based on the ‘You Only Look Once’ (YOLO) network, has been trained to detect objects, using conventional RGB images. Taking advantage of the pixel relationship... -
Supplementary material: "The Art of Brainwaves: A Survey on Event-Related Pot...
The purpose related to this dataset is to investigate the state of visualization in ERP (Event-Related Potential) research. The investigation was conducted through an online... -
Replication data of B3 group for: "Tethering chiral Rh diene complexes inside...
In this dataset HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography) chromatograms of the products of the rhodium-catalyzed 1,2-addition and NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectra of... -
Source code for "Comparative Study on the Perception of Direction in Animated...
This repository contains the source code related to an OSF pre-registration for an online study. The goal of the study was to evaluate how well participants can determine... -
Supplemental Material for "Which Experimental Design is Better Suited for VQA...
We investigated the effect of stimulus-question ordering and modality in which the question is presented of a user study with visual question answering (VQA) tasks. In an... -
Electrocatalytic proton reduction: Metal based fused diporphyrins with proton...
This project deals with the use of metal-based fused diporphyrins as electrocatalysts for HER reduction. The objectives of the proposed work are as follows: Synthesis of metal... -
From raw data to kinetic parameters: an EnzymeML-based workflow for reproduci...
Master thesis in the form of a JupyterBook with the title: "From raw data to kinetic parameters: an EnzymeML-based workflow for reproducible enzyme kinetics" JupyterBook can be... -
Replication data of Lotsch group for: "Covalent Organic Framework Nanoplates ...
As covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are coming of age, the lack of effective approaches to achieve crystalline and centimeter-scale-homogeneous COF films remains a significant... -
Supplementary Data for Paper "On Friction, Heat Input and Material Flow Initi...
This repository is related to the publication "On Friction, Heat Input and Material Flow Initiation During Friction Stir Welding: Tool and Process Optimization" (JMMP). The... -
Measurement data: Laser scanning of timber buidlings
The timber structures of 23 building projects were measured with a laser scanner Leica ScanStation P20 within the research project DIBt - ZP 52-5-13.194. Several buildings with... -
Publication data of Dyballa group for: "Introducing a Novel Method for Probin...
Primary data files of measurements and processed data of the journal article mentioned under related publications from Dyballa group can be found here. This comprises MAS-NMR,... -
Data for "VisRecall: Quantifying Information Visualisation Recallability via ...
Despite its importance for assessing the effectiveness of communicating information visually, fine-grained recallability of information visualisations has not been studied...