Optical Microscopy and pressure measurements of Enzymatically Induced Calcite...
Content: This dataset includes raw as well as processed data from three experiments (Exp 1 - 3). Each dataset consists of the readouts from the pressure sensor(s), as logged... -
GraphML file for homologues and reconstructed ancestors of arylsulfatases and...
Protein sequence network for homologues of arylsulfatases and phosphonate monoester hydrolases, including reconstructed ancestral sequences from a maximum-likelihood... -
Deep enzymology data related to Dukatz et al.: Complex DNA sequence readout m...
Experimental procedures: Libraries of double stranded DNA substrates with CpG, CpH or CpN sites in randomized sequence context were methlyated by DNMT3B. Reactions were stopped... -
Results and raw data of an adjustable similarity calculation for computer aid...
The here shown data results from a methodology for calculating the similarity of CAD parts. CAD parts are analyzed using various algorithms to find geometric features and... -
Runtime performance measurements of interactive visualisation algorithms
Runtime performance measurements for GPU-based direct volume rendering and GPU-based raycasting of spherical particles on ten different discrete graphics processing units from... -
Data for: Filling the data gaps within GRACE missions using Singular Spectrum...
Dozens of missing epochs in the monthly gravity product of the satellite mission Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and its follow-on (GRACE-FO) mission greatly... -
Seed sequences for the Glycoside Hydrolase 19 Engineering Database
Query sequences for the individual BLAST searches used to initialize the Glycoside Hydrolase 19 Engineering Database (GH19ED, https://gh19ed.biocatnet.de/). -
Profile hidden Markov models of the Glycoside Hydrolase 19 Engineering Database
A starting alignment was built if other sequences with a known PDB structure were available, by performing a GH19 domain structure-based alignment generated through the mmaker... -
GraphML files for protein sequence networks of glycoside hydrolase 19 homologues
GraphML files for undirected weighted graphs with nodes that represent protein sequences of glycoside hydrolase 19 homologues. Protein sequences were clustered by a threshold of... -
EICP Model Calibration
EICP Model Calibration. Content: 1 excel spreadsheet with the experimental data 4 different model calibration sets in each .tar file: SorptionCoefficientsOnlyFitted.tar... -
High-resolution 3D Stokes reference solution for a free-flow channel over a s...
3D numerical reference for the setup described in https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5092169. -
micro-XRCT data set of Carrara marble with artificially created crack network...
micro-XRCT data set (projections and reconstructed images) of a Carrara marble core with a diameter of 5 mm. The sample was extracted with a water-cooled diamond drill from a... -
Data from "Extremely Small Twist Elastic Constants in Lyotropic Nematic Liqui...
Depolarized dynamic light scattering (DDLS) data, fit routine & fitting results Read me: (1) 5CB calibration Scattered light intensities of 5CB were measured in the... -
Code and data of Bayesian inversion of hierarchical geostatistical models usi...
This dataset contains the code and all relevant data and of the paper "Bayesian inversion of hierarchical geostatistical models using a parallel-tempering sequential Gibbs MCMC"... -
Conserved positions in expansin homologues
Conserved positions in the N- and C-terminal expansin domains of different groups from the Expansin Engineering Database (occurring in at least 70% of the annotated sequence... -
Expansin homologues in actinobacterial genomes from South Africa
Hit sequences for putative expansins (or expansin domains) are reported from an exemplary genome screening. Five actinobacterial genomes were selected to show the application of... -
Occurrence of expansins in the tree of life
Comparison between expansins found in the Expansin Engineering Database (ExED) and literature. -
micro-XRCT data set of an in-situ flow experiment with an X-ray transparent f...
Micro-XRCT data sets (projection and reconstructed images) of an in-situ experiment with an X-ray transparent flow cell. As a porous medium, a 3 mm cylindrical sandstone core... -
micro-XRCT data set of Carrara marble with artificially created crack network...
micro-XRCT data set (projection and reconstructed images) of a Carrara marble core with a diameter of 5 mm. The sample was extracted with a water-cooled diamond drill from a... -
Digital rock physics and laboratory considerations on a high-porosity volcani...
Reticulite (high-porosity volcanic rock) is a pyroclastic rock formed during intense Hawaiian fountaining events. The honeycombed network of bubbles is supported by glassy...