Poverty alleviation in the wake of typhoon Yolanda: Survey data 2015-2017


The Poverty Alleviation in the Wake of Typhoon Yolanda Surveys are household surveys of 800 over three years (800 x 3) individuals in selected communities, in Tacloban, Tanauan and Palo in the province of Leyte, the Philippines. The survey covers experiences from pre- to post-Yolanda. Disaster response, resilience and community support are its main focus. Respondents were asked questions on their experiences, attitudes and perceptions on assistance, relief and relocation. Questions about their access to food, health services and education, livelihood, and community support were also included. The respondents’ background characteristics and the household roster were also gathered by survey.This project monitors the effectiveness of the Typhoon Yolanda relief efforts in the Philippines in relation to good governance and building sustainable routes out of poverty. This project focuses on urban risk, vulnerability and resilience in the aftermath of Yolanda. The key themes of the project are risk, vulnerability, resilience and shocks in relation to environmental disaster and pathways in and out of poverty. The project aims to identify the extent to which resource allocation can go beyond disaster 'relief' and build sustainable livelihoods beyond the immediate aftermath of the disaster. It will assess the extent to which disaster relief funding is related to need and what factors dictate the efficient allocation of funds over the immediate and medium term. It will assess whether communities have actually been built back better and if not then why not. The project will also engage with the theoretical framework of human security e.g. in relation to food, health, environmental, personal, and community security but also individual and community resilience and agency.

Survey. There are two types of data generated by the survey: one is the individual as unit of analysis and the other is the household level data, derived from the household roster form. To generate the individual data, the household head or the spouse of the household head was interviewed. In cases when both are not available, any responsible adult who is knowledgeable about the personal details of the members of the household is interviewed. The data generated from this survey serves as baseline data of this study on poverty alleviation four years after selected localities of Tacloban, Tanauan and Palo were devastated by Yolanda.

DOI https://doi.org/10.5255/UKDA-SN-853359
Metadata Access https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/oai-pmh/v0/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_ddi25&identifier=8e60320b99e204591d6791a3795efcc849559be02f675092d5c72df4dc624c49
Creator Eadie, P, University of Nottingham; Tan-Mullins, M, University of Nottingham, Ningbo; Atienza, M, University of the Philippines, Diliman; Berja, C, University of the Philippines, Manila
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 2018
Funding Reference Economic and Social Research Council
Rights Pauline Eadie, University of Nottingham . May Tan-Mullins, University of Nottingham, Ningbo . Maria Ela Atienza, Univwersity of the Philippines, Diliman; The Data Collection is available for download to users registered with the UK Data Service.
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Numeric
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage Tacloban City, Palo, Tanauan, in Eastern Leyte.; Philippines