Electroleaching and electrodeposition of silver in ethaline 1:2 and propeline 1:3: transport properties and electrode phenomena


This data set is related to a published research article dealing with electrochemical leaching and electrochemical deposition of silver in two deep-eutectic solvents (DES) : ethaline 1:2 and propeline 1:3. The objective was to compare the performances of the two DES, propeline 1:3 being much less toxic than ethaline 1:2. Ethaline 1:2 is formed by mixing choline chloride and ethylene glycol in 1:2 molar proportion, propeline 1:3 is formed by mixing choline chloride and propylene glycol, with less nocive character than ethylene glycol, in 1:3 molar proportion.

More precisely, this data set contains for the two DES : 1) Bulk properties of the pure DES : density, viscosity and conductivity depending on temperature and DES water content; 2) Electrochemical windows of the pure DES on Pt and Ag working electrodes; 3) Electrochemical silver leaching results : linear sweep voltamograms, chronoamperograms, chronopotentiograms, faradaic yields; 4) Electrochemical silver kinetics parameters : diffusion coefficients, alpha and k° charge transfer parameters, and related raw cyclic/linear voltammograms and chronoamperograms 5) Electrochemical deposition of silver : SEM-EDX and XRD raw data

DOI https://doi.org/10.57745/FVL59F
Related Identifier IsCitedBy https://doi.org/10.1039/D4VA00042K
Metadata Access https://entrepot.recherche.data.gouv.fr/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.57745/FVL59F
Creator Legeai, Sophie ORCID logo; Bertoloni, Calogera ORCID logo; Michel, Stéphanie ORCID logo; Meux, Eric ORCID logo; Lapicque, François ORCID logo
Publisher Recherche Data Gouv
Contributor Legeai, Sophie; Entrepôt-Catalogue Recherche Data Gouv
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference Agence nationale de la recherche ANR-20-CE08-0035
Rights etalab 2.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; https://spdx.org/licenses/etalab-2.0.html
OpenAccess true
Contact Legeai, Sophie (IJL ; Université de Lorraine, CNRS ; France)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values; image/tiff; text/plain
Size 353; 1448802; 1450963; 24557; 24559; 24580; 24540; 24674; 49350; 25906; 25905; 24887; 24928; 24878; 24947; 25004; 25026; 25011; 25037; 25453; 25622; 25660; 25682; 25891; 25854; 25847; 25886; 25644; 25665; 25719; 25672; 24670; 25826; 25804; 26209; 26160; 26199; 26148; 25784; 25367; 25603; 25707; 24000; 24615; 24502; 24258; 24668; 24179; 24033; 24639; 24579; 24313; 24736; 24168; 10119; 10131; 10132; 10128; 10118; 10127; 10124; 10152; 10157; 10180; 10199; 10188; 17351; 17446; 17782; 17861; 17781; 17708; 17545; 17854; 17889; 17449; 17487; 17478; 17451; 17115; 17895; 17818; 17763; 17606; 17640; 17174; 17505; 17548; 338; 197; 18977; 25894; 20459; 26867; 579; 594904; 594910; 13805; 255219; 1093235; 580880; 678498; 1326540; 1150051; 224257; 460478; 788482; 801202; 691464; 805759; 161; 1349; 1115; 1178; 8012; 7918; 8029; 10337; 56036; 56654; 594870; 594906; 594892; 183; 154; 411; 269; 331; 128107
Version 1.1
Discipline Chemistry; Natural Sciences