The electrical capacitance (F) of the bio-sensor, the carbon dioxide (%) release by the meat and the corresponding microbial count (UCF/g)


This document describes the evolution of electrical capacitance of the gluten due to the evolution of carbone dioxid concentration that depends on the microbial growth. This table is in connection with the deliverable 3.2. The objective of the deliverable 3.2 was to identify and characterize the active functionalities, namely antimicrobial compounds and oxygen scavengers, and the intelligent functionalities, namely the RFID based biosensor, to be included in packaging in order to improve and control the storage of targeted products packaged with the new PHBV packaging. The RFID biosensor was calibrated by linking the impedance evolution of the biocaptor (protein layer) to the gas evolution in the headspace (which depends on the microorganism growth). The smart packaging concept proposed in GLOPACK Project is based on the coupling of RFID technology and a biosensor (biopolymer). The biobased sensor is the gluten that presents some electrical properties. Modification of environmental properties may change the dielectric properties of the gluten : as relative humidity, CO2 content etc. During the storage of packaged food, the headspace gas content evolves (because of gas absorption, gas leakages, microbial growth…). Then the wheat gluten network changes and so the dielectric properties change too. Thus, the monitoring of these dielectric properties is supposed to provide an indication of food quality over time. This datasheet presents the experimental results about meat product in a modified atmosphere packaging (20% CO2, 80% O2) at 20°c during 40 hours.Tthe electrical capacitance (F), the carbon dioxide (%) were measured and the microorganisms counted (UCF/g). We notice that the electrical capacitance (corresponding to the electrical properties of the biopolymer) and the CO2 percentage evolve in the same way that the microorganisms evolution versus time.

Metadata Access
Creator Coffigniez, Fanny
Publisher Recherche Data Gouv
Contributor Coffigniez, Fanny
Publication Year 2019
Funding Reference EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme 773375
Rights etalab 2.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Coffigniez, Fanny
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 157
Version 2.0
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture; Agricultural Sciences; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Life Sciences; Agricultural and Food Process Engineering