At a time when the Indian economy is in full swing and the growth rate has been declining since 2014, the picture is that Covid 19 has reached the economy by early 2020. Corona, a contagious disease that originated in China, is now spreading all over the world and across India. The disease has infected over 41,94,728 people worldwide to date. And you see it growing steadily. Developed as well as developing countries have not escaped its effects. The result of this Covid 19 is a question mark over human existence. The question is how to sustain the means of survival. The development to date has been hampered by Covid 19. It will create new solutions on how to sustain the development, but it will be difficult and laborious to fill the gaps that have been reached. The lockdown accepted by India has had an impact on the entire economy. In this, many global organizations have indicated that India's growth rate will be 0%.