This round of GPD surveys (GPD = Geassocieerde Pers Diensten = Associated Press Services ), a voluntary reply regional newspaper survey, was held in fall 2001 and covers various topics like lifesituation, work and unemployment, housing, environment, time-spending, income and spending, health and political and social opinions. Themes: children, child care and work, career possibilities / Payed employment: duration, vacation, ADV, commuting (distance), future expectations regarding unemployment/ Unemployed: duration, pre-unemployment situation, future expectations regarding getting a job, job seeking activities and methods, reasons for non-activity/ Housing situation: age of house, type of house, it's value, choice of location, ownership, expenses, rent, subsidized, size, quality, isolation, garden, balcony, urbanization / Living environment: annoyances, available facilities and services, safety, victimization, satisfaction with neighbourhood, social contacts / time budget / detailed data on spending and income, social benefits, debts, job career, flexible working, extra training, pension, evaluation of level of income / Satisfaction / physical situation, health, complaints / family conflicts / freedom, permissiveness / moral standards, values, acquaintance with people breaking laws, punishnment / Politics: voting behaviour, vote intention, memberships labour union / important issues in life / religion / church attendance / place of birth / social contacts with allochtoneous people / satisfaction with national and local institutions and policies / evaluation of political leaders / opinion on multi-cultural society, immigrants, ethnic minorities, integration, international situation, terrorist attacks in US, Islam / lottery, gambling behaviour / life satisfaction in general. Other background variables include(often both respondent and partner): sex, age, family composition, number of children, education, occupational status, weight, size, handicaps, smoking, drinking, use of drugs,