The ordered double perovskite Sr2CuWO6 is a quasi-two dimensional J1/J2 frustrated square lattice model antiferromagnet. The divalent Cu carries S = 1/2 while the W (VI) is 4d0. Below 900 K the CuO6 octahedra are Jahn-Teller distorted leading to a tetragonal unit cell with magnetic exchange mainly in the ab plane via the singly-occupied d_(x2-y2) orbital. The magnetic susceptibility and neutron diffraction confirm the absence of a long-range ordered state down to 2 K, while the exchange interactions are of the order of -100 K and the magnetic susceptibility exhibits a broad maximum around 80 K. We have synthesised high-quality sample of this well-characterised material and propose to use inelastic neutron spectroscopy to characterize the magnetic excitation spectrum and the magnetic correlations. This will help understand what kind of quantum spin liquid is realized in this material