This dataset contains estimates of piecewise trends and discontinuities in vertical land motion (VLM) time series. The time series are based on two techniques, the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and differences of satellite altimetry and tide gauge measurements (SATTG). SATTG data are based on monthly PSMSL tide gauge observations (Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level, Holgate et al. [2013]) and multi-mission satellite altimetry from DGFI-TUM. The coastal along-track altimetry SLA data feature latest corrections and adjustments, as well as coastal retracking (using the ALES retracker (Passaro et al., 2014)). The GNSS time series are obtained from the Nevada Geodetic Laboratory (NGL) of the University of Nevada (Blewitt et al. [2016],
This dataset contains information of piecewise trends, uncertainties, as well as discontinuity epochs and sizes in 606 SATTG and 381 GNSS time series. These parameters are estimated with a Bayesian change point detection method (DiscoTimeS), as described in ‘Bayesian modelling of piecewise trends and discontinuities to improve the estimation of coastal vertical land motion’.