Phytoplankton incubations under Patagonian dust input and environmental chang...
This repository contains raw data from flow cytometry, diagnostic pigments, and particulate organic carbon and nitrogen analyses, collected during phytoplankton incubation... -
Near-seafloor hydrodynamic data in the western Gulf of Lion, 1 Nov 2012-15 Ap...
Extreme percentiles (1%, 5%, 95%, 99%) of bottom temperature and salinity, as well as (95%, 99%) of bottom currents, were modeled using SYMPHONIE on a numerical domain covering... -
Storm tracks, wave heights and peak periods for “phenomenal” sea states, comb...
Extreme storms generate ocean waves, with heights that may exceed 20 m. Possible climate trends for these events are unknown as they only cover small ocean areas, often missed... -
Fuzzy coded longevity dataset of European marine benthic invertebrates
The ICES Working Group on Fisheries Benthic Impact and Trade-offs (WGFBIT) has developed an assessment framework based on the life history trait longevity, to evaluate the... -
High-frequency monitoring of phytoplankton functional groups using an automat...
An automated flow cytometer, CytoSub (Cytobuoy b.v., Netherlands), was deployed twice in conjunction with the MAREL Carnot station (COAST-HF network, IR ILICO) during spring... -
Data from marine sediment core SISMAORE-CS05
This study investigates the Late Quaternary sedimentary and volcanic history of Zélée and Geyser Seamounts, carbonate platforms in the Mozambique Channel of the southwest Indian... -
Factors influencing spatial variability in the trophic transfer of essential ...
Phytoplankton play a crucial role in marine food webs as they supply essential fatty acids to higher trophic levels, from small pelagic fish to top predators, through the... -
CC1000 observatory data
Long-term time series of daily averaged potential temperature (ºC) and current speed (m/s) at 1000 m depth in the Cap de Creus submarine canyon in the northwestern... -
Mo isotope chemostratigraphy of the 2.87 Ga Red Lake Carbonate Platform and i...
Prior to 2.5 billion years ago, the Earth system was dramatically different from today, and the Archean oceans were largely anoxic except for local oxygen oases in shallow seas.... -
Examples of automated flow cytometry data acquisition to build best practices...
This dataset illustrates the Best Practices in flow cytometry for studying phytoplankton. The use of flow cytometry to collect datasets on phytoplankton functional groups is... -
HydrOCTOPUS : data from the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2016-2017
The HydrOctopus consists of 4 hydrophones connected to the same datalogger, to allow high-precision location of shallow events within the antenna. The goal of the instrument is... -
PIAF project: CTD data in Corsica, NW Mediterranean, may 2023.
This dataset contains the CTD data were collected during the PIAF project (Fish inventory using environmental DNA), between 30/04/2023 and 11/05/2023, around Corsica, western... -
Acoustic data from Warmalis 2 cruise
This dataset contains acoustic data collected with scientific echosounders in the West Pacific between Samoa Islands and French Polynesia during a cruise performed onboard the... -
ROCCHSED23 sediment dataset : contaminants (chemical contaminants, nutrients ...
ROCCH, the French Chemical Contaminant Monitoring Network, regularly provides a new dataset for assessing the chemical quality status of French coastal waters. Concentrations of... -
An updated synthesis of ocean total alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon...
Since 2004, the Service facility SNAPO-CO2 (Service National d’Analyse des Paramètres Océaniques du CO2) housed by the LOCEAN laboratory (Paris, France) has been in charge for... -
UVP6Net : plankton images captured with the UVP6
Plankton was imaged with UVP6 in contrasted oceanic regions. The full images were processed by the UVP6 firmware and the regions of interest (ROIs) around each individual object... -
SOLAB low-cost field surveys of the southern Senegal continental shelf: physi...
Many developing countries of the global South have limited field experiment programs to monitor the state of their marine environment. As part of the laboratoire mixte... -
Census of Marine Malacafauna of the Italian Coasts
The census of the Italian marine malacofauna took shape in 1982 by a group of researchers: Daniele Bedulli, Bruno Dell'Angelo, Piero Piani and Gianni Spada with a publication in... -
A database of "very high" and "phenomenal" sea states from the ESA Seastate C...
This dataset contains all satellite altimeter wave heights above 9 m, from the following satellite missions: ERS-1, ERS-2, Topex-Poseidon (Topex only), Envisat, SARAL, Jason-1,... -
Phytoplankton functional trait database from "Long-term monitoring data shed ...
We built a trait database of 385 phytoplankton taxa recorded in five Atlantic bays in France between 2009 and 2018. We focused on seven traits known or potentially expected to...