User-relevant factors determining prosthesis choice in persons with major unilateral upper limb defects: a meta-synthesis of qualitative literature and focus group results


PDF-file from transcript of a focus group with persons with major unilateral upper limb defects (n = 11). In the focus group participants were first asked which matters/factors influenced their prosthesis choice. Second, they were asked which matters/factors were important for them when using a prosthesis. Last, participants were shown a framework containing themes and subthemes that could be important when selecting a prosthesis (on large posters) and were asked if they understood and agreed with the shown themes and subthemes of the framework. The focus group was conducted in the Dutch language and was organized in April 2019. To not compromise the participant's privacy some details about the participants of the focus group were not shown in the transcript.

Metadata Access
Creator Kerver, Nienke; Twillert, Sacha van; Maas, Bart; Sluis, Corry K. van der ORCID logo
Publisher DataverseNL
Contributor Research Data Office
Publication Year 2020
Rights By downloading or otherwise accessing the Materials, Downloader represents his/her acceptance of the terms of this Agreement.; info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess
OpenAccess false
Contact Research Data Office (University of Groningen)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/pdf
Size 394450
Version 1.0
Discipline Life Sciences; Medicine