Antiretroviral therapy patients in Kolkata, India (n=362) were randomized in one of two conditions: 1) twice-daily IVR calls with messaging, plus a weekly IVR assessment call or 2) an attention control, with only a weekly IVR assessment call. Messages focused on three domains: medically-related, health promotion, and mental health messages. Participants completed assessments at baseline, two-, four-, and six-months.
The depositor provided the file 'Depression PLH Variables Dropped 1.17.18' in DTA format. DANS added the SAV and POR formats of this file.The depositor provided the file 'Data Key Phase II_1.17.18' in XLSX format. DANS added the CSV format of this file.The depositor provided the file 'Methods Section from PLH Depression Paper_PLOS One' in DOCX format. DANS added the PDF/A format of this file.