Social position and behaviour on the labour market of the unemployed living in old town districts, in particular the position of ethnic minorities. Occupational career / evaluation of present or ( if unemployed ) last job / how was job obtained / r unemployed: causes of discharge / immigrant respondents: position of foreigners on labour market / best method of application, methods applied / role of labour exchange: retrain, supply of subsidized jobs, evaluation / individual handicaps to find job, preferred kind of job, refusal of bad jobs, willingness to sacrifice to obtain a ( better ) job / income versus quality of job / receiving benefit versus having a job / ( dis ) advantages of being unemployed / possibility of starting own business / volunteer work / immigrant respondents: contacts with Dutch, making use of social assistance, residence-, work permits, family situation, plans to return to land of origin, knowledge of Dutch language / housing conditions, propensity to move to a better house, quality of neighbourhood / financial position / image of r's neighbourhood: social unrest, neglect, risk of racial riots, position of the unemployed. Background variables: basic characteristics / residence / housing situation / household characteristics / place of work / occupation / employment / income / capital assets / education/ organizational membership