Vprašalnik se začne s sklopom vprašanj o kakovosti življenja v lokalnem okolju. Naslednji sklop se nanaša na spremembe ustave; respondenti najprej povejo ali sploh kaj vejo o razpravah o ustavnih spremembah in ali so se sami udeležili razprav o spremembah, z vprašanjem o vsebini sprememb pa raziskovalci preverijo dejansko seznanjenost respondenta. Sledi sklop o lastni politični aktivnosti in oceni družbenopolitičnega dogajanja. Raziskovalce zanima tudi javno mnenje o položaju kmetijstva: kako zagotoviti zadostno proizvodnjo hrane in vzroki za zaostajanje kmetijstva. Naslednji sklop je namenjen delu v tujini in zunanji politiki; povedo kakšna zunanja politika bi najbolj ustrezala interesom Jugoslavije in ali je Jugoslavija vojaško ogrožena. Anketirani tudi presojajo pomen konference neuvrščenih, državni udar v Čilu in zadnjo Arabsko-Izraelsko vojno, dve vprašanji sta namejeni še slovenski manjšini v Avstriji. Respondenti za več kot 30 navedenih športov povejo ali so se kdaj ukvarjali za njim sledi sklop vprašanj o medijih. Demografska vprašanja zaključujeo vprašalnik. Questionnaire begins with chapter on quality of life in local community. Next, questions that deal which changes of constitution follow. Respondents assess their knowledge of these changes and tell whether they participate in the process. Respondents also attest their political activity and evaluate political situation of that time. Chapter that follows deals with agriculture (i.e. how to assure sufficient food production) and asks for impediments for its development. Questions on foreign policy and security follow. Respondents give their view on which foreign policy would suit Yugoslavia most and if there are any military threats toward it. Interviewees judge current affairs of that time (i.e. conference of nonalignment movement, coup d'etat in Chile, Israeli-Arab war, and situation of Slovene minority in Austria.) Next, questions focusing on sporting activities and attendance to the media follow. Demographic questions rounds up the questionnaire.
Questionnaire begins with chapter on quality of life in local community. Next, questions that deal which changes of constitution follow. Respondents assess their knowledge of these changes and tell whether they participate in the process. Respondents also attest their political activity and evaluate political situation of that time. Chapter that follows deals with agriculture (i.e. how to assure sufficient food production) and asks for impediments for its development. Questions on foreign policy and security follow. Respondents give their view on which foreign policy would suit Yugoslavia most and if there are any military threats toward it. Interviewees judge current affairs of that time (i.e. conference of nonalignment movement, coup d'etat in Chile, Israeli-Arab war, and situation of Slovene minority in Austria.) Next, questions focusing on sporting activities and attendance to the media follow. Demographic questions rounds up the questionnaire.
Verjetnostno: po skupinah: stratificirano slučajnoProbability.Cluster.StratifiedRandom
Probability: Cluster: Stratified randomProbability.Cluster.StratifiedRandom
Osebni intervju: PAPIInterview.FaceToFace.PAPI
Face-to-face interview: Paper-and-pencil (PAPI)Interview.FaceToFace.PAPI