This dataset include the data used in the paper entitle "Stream diatom biodiversity in islands and continents – a global perspective on the effects of area, isolation and the environment" published in 2022 in Journal of Biogeography.
This dataset is a RData format which include 2 objects: 'comm_tot' and 'env'.
'comm_tot'includes presence-absence of diatom species (Omnidia code) of 5446 sites from 18 islands (Co: Corsica, Cy: Cyprus, Gu: Guadeloupe, Ic: Iceland, Ir: Ireland, Ka: Kauai, Re: La Réunion, Ma: Martinique, Md: Madeira, Mj: Majorca, My: Mayotte, Nc: New Caledonia, Nz: North New Zealand, Oa: Oahu, Po: Possession, Sm: São Miguel, Sa: Sardinia and Sz: South New Zealand) and six continental areas (Ch: China, Fi: Finland, Fr: France, Gy: French Guiana, Ke: Kenya and Us: USA).
'env' includes environmental data associated with each sampling station, including geographical coordinates ('x' and 'y'), pH, conductivity ('cond' in uS/cm), total phosphorus ('tp' in mg/l), total nitrogen ('tn' in mg/l), orthophosphates ('po4' in mg/l), water temperature (wat_temp in °C), bioclimatic data from WorldClim database at 0.5 minutes resolution ('ann_prec': annual precipitation (mm), 'prec_sea': seasonality in precipitation (%), 'ann_temp': annual temperature (°C), and 'sea_temp': temperature seasonality), altitude ('alti' in meters) and slope.
The data from Mayotte island reported in this dataset comes from Rimet, F., Tapolczai, K., Vasselon, V., Mary, N. & Bouchez, A. (2019) Mayotte rivers: databases used for the development of diatom and macroinvertebrates water quality tools.