The data contains the measurement data used in the corresponding publication. The publication investigates a new design for an active bearing with rotating piezo actuators which can be used for active balancing. The data comprises measurements on a rotor test-rig for stationary rotor speeds, run-ups and actuator voltage over time. The stationary measurements show the active and passive performance of the new active bearing. Furthermore, it contains measurements with open and shorted electrodes of the actuators. The performance of the electronic circuits has been investigated throughout a measurement of the actuator voltage over time during a change of the targeted voltage. The run-up experiments are all passive and comprise one measurement each with circuit, open electrodes and shorted electrodes to investigate the side effects of the active bearing. The final measurement contains the data for a passive run-up of a bearing design with five rotating piezo actuators. All other measurements correspond to the bearing design with three rotating actuators. Refer to our publication for more details.