Phenomenological analysis of the electrical behavior of helical gears to iden...
This data set contains the research data associated with the dissertation by Maximilian Hausmann. The research data consists on the one hand of measurement data of the... -
Capacitance Calculation of Ball Bearings - Data
This is the preliminary publication of data gathered for the manuscript "Capacitance Calculation of Ball Bearings—An Open-source Model", which is currently under review.... -
Creation of a comprehensive high-resolution image data set on an industrial w...
This submission contains csv data which is used to create the diagrams in the publication "Creation of a comprehensive high-resolution image data set on an industrial web press... -
Development and luminance measurements of a fully screen-printed multi-segmen...
This submission contains csv data which is used to create the diagrams in the publication "Development and luminance measurements of a fully screen-printed multi-segmented... -
Fabrication of biomimetic networks using viscous fingering in flexographic pr...
This submission contains csv and opju data which is used to create the diagrams in the publication "Fabrication of biomimetic networks using viscous fingering in flexographic... -
Analyzing Ball Bearing Capacitance using Single Steel Ball Bearings - Data
Supplementary data to the publication "Analyzing Ball Bearing Capacitance using Single Steel Ball Bearings" by Steffen Puchtler, Julius van der Kuip and Eckhard Kirchner... -
Effektgraph Unterstützungswerkzeug
Das Paket enthält die Software welche im Rahmen der Dissertation von Herrn Benjamin Kraus entwicklet wurde. Dies beinhaltet eine Graphenbasierte Datenbank in welcher... -
Measurement of Electrical Impedance of Graphite and Silver Graphite Carbon Br...
Measurement data of the analysis of the electrical impedance of graphite and silver graphite carbon brushes for use in impedance measurement of sensory utilizable machine... -
Effektgraph Unterlagen Studie
Unerlagen zur Stuide im Rahmen der Dissertation Kraus Benjamin. Schulungsmaterial, Hilfsmaterial, Rohdaten Antworten, Fragebogen -
One-stage gearbox top view rendering
Top down rendering of a one-stage gearbox with split housing -
Voltage induced damage progression on the raceway surfaces of thrust ball bea...
This set of data is obtained by André Harder during his experiments on the progression of voltage induced bearing damages. The experiments were made on the bearing test rig at... -
Verlauf biegeschlaffer Leitungen und Leitungsrechercheergebnisse
Optische Aufnahmen von biegeschlaffen Leitungen unter verschiedenen Einspannungspositionen und Zugkräften zur Ermittlung des Leitungsverlaufs. 2. Liste der berücksichtigten... -
Supplementary data: A new active balancing device utilizing rotating piezo ac...
The data contains the measurement data used in the corresponding publication. The publication investigates a new design for an active bearing with rotating piezo actuators which... -
Versuchsdaten und Simulationsmodelle für additiv gefertigte Meso-Strukturen
Abaqus-Input-Files verwendeter Simulationsmodelle für die Simulation homogener und gradierter additiv gefertigter Meso-Strukturen unter Zug/Druck und Schub Versuchsrohdaten... -
Programm zur Bauteiltrennung und -bewertung
Python Skript zur automatisierten Trennung von Bauteilen für die additive Fertigung und Auswahl und Bewertung der enstehenden Schnittvarianten bezüglich der Herstellkosten. -
Umfragedaten zu "NFDI4Ing - Rückmeldung aus den Forschungscommunities"
Die Online-Umfrage "NFDI4Ing - Rückmeldung aus den Forschungscommunities" wurde vom Konsortium NFDI4Ing (Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur für die Ingenieurwissenschaften,... -
Supplementary data: Active vibration control of an elastic rotor by using its...
The data contains the measurement data for the system identification, passive performance and the active vibration control of the rotor system. The used rotor test-rig has two... -
Messdaten und Auswertungssoftware für die hochdynamische Grenzflächeninstabil...
Readme for the evaluation of the interface instability in the cylinder gap of a gravure printing machine with Matlab: 1. unpack the files in the folder... -
Whitepaper: 3DConFil - Programm zur Generierung von Steuerungsbefehlen
Whitepaper: 3DConFil - Programm zur Generierung von Steuerungsbefehlen -
Supplementary Material: Algorithmic Conceptual Design of Technical Systems un...
This repository provides additional data for the PhD-thesis: "Algorithmic Conceptual Design of Technical Systems under Uncertainty" by Philipp Leise. Each relevant figure in the...