Southern Ocean moored time series (south of 60°S) (OCEAN ICE D1.1)


This mooring timeseries compilation contains temperature, salinity, current velocity measured from a wide range of marine instrument in the Southern Ocean (90°S-60°S) since 1975. It provides with an opportunity to investigate the broad scale climatology of the Southern Ocean shelf dynamics and shelf connecitivity of dense shelf water and freshwater propogation, and facilitate the timeseries analysis across various timescales.

Metadata Access
Creator Zhou, Shenjie; Dutrieux, Pierre; Giulivi, Claudia; Silvano, Alessandro; Auckland, Christopher; Abrahamsen, Povl; Meredith, Michael; Vaňková, Irena; Nicholls, Keith; Davis, Peter; Østerhus, Svein; Gordon, Arnold; Zappa, Christopher; Sebaginazzi Dotto, Tiago; Scambos, Ted; Gunn, Kathryn; Rintoul, Steve; Aoki, Shigeru; Stevens, Craig; Liu, Chengyan; Kim, Tae-wan; Lee, Won San; Janout, Markus; Hattermann, Tore; Lauber, Julius; Darelius, Elin; Wåhlin, Anna; Middleton, Leo; Castagno, Pasquale; Budillon, Giorgio; Heywood, Karen; Graham, Jennifer; Dye, Stephen; Hirano, Daisuke; Miller, Una Kim
Publisher SEANOE
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EC/H2020/101060452/EU//OCEAN ICE
Rights CC-BY
OpenAccess true
Contact SEANOE
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Geosciences; Natural Sciences; Oceanography/Marine Science; Physical Oceanography